Stripes for Summer - 20 Trendy Outfit Ideas - summer, Stripes, Outfit ideas

Stripes for Summer – 20 Trendy Outfit Ideas

Stripes…Either horizontal, vertical, curved or chevron they popped up everywhere, adorning nearly every possible style and colliding with many of

25 Gorgeous DIY Necklaces Tutorials - tutorials, Necklaces, diy

25 Gorgeous DIY Necklaces Tutorials

Looking for a stylish DIY necklace tutorial? Here are 25 of the best DIY necklaces. Those who love arts and crafts projects will

Summer Color Trend: Royal Blue! - summer, Royal Blue, Dress, Color Trend

Summer Color Trend: Royal Blue!

In a sea of pastels and whites a pop of royal blue can really stand out. This summer you can

23 Gorgeous and Easy Beach Hairstyles - summer, Hairstyles, Gorgeous, Easy, beach

23 Gorgeous and Easy Beach Hairstyles

These summer hairstyles are all pretty simple — and will leave you looking chic all day long.  Braids are the

25 Crazy Summer Nail Design Ideas - summer trend, summer nail design, neon nails, Nails art, nail design ideas, Crazy

25 Crazy Summer Nail Design Ideas

The trend now is to have highly decretive, bejeweled, loaded nail. They seem a little impractical but when has fashion

25 Cute Cartoons Inspired Outfits - outfits, fashion, cartoons caracters, Cartoons

25 Cute Cartoons Inspired Outfits

Incorporating characters from familiar cartoons into everyday items is an easy way to be an adult while holding onto an

19 Interesting DIY Footwear Designs - Footwear Designs, diy

19 Interesting DIY Footwear Designs

Start looking at the existing shoes you already own and thinking of ways to change them. Not only will you

30 Cute Casual Summer Outfits Combinations - summer, outfits, combinations, casual

30 Cute Casual Summer Outfits Combinations

Typically every woman summer wardrobe consists of sundresses, jeans, khakis, shorts, tees, tank tops and a ton of cute accessories!

The Hottest Summer Trend: Floral Print! - Trend, summer, Floral Print

The Hottest Summer Trend: Floral Print!

The floral trend still continues from previous years with printed pants, mini-dresses, skirts, and everything else retailers can put a

26 Amazing Outfit Ideas for 4th of July - outfits, ideas, 4th of July

26 Amazing Outfit Ideas for 4th of July

Whether you’re hanging out at a backyard barbecue or spending your holiday by the water, this American-themed ensemble will display

38 Interesting  Nail Art Tutorials - tutorials, Nails art, nail, interesting nail art

38 Interesting Nail Art Tutorials

Everyone loves beautiful nail art, but it makes it that much sweeter when you can achieve the look with a DIY

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