While minimalist expansion in the 60s and 70s lent itself to become popular with several groups of artists who broke away from abstract expressionism, this separation was indicative of removing unneeded items from one’s life.

And though the minimalist movement might seem to clash with a Bohemian lifestyle, the two actually offer an interior designer a bold method of creating a wonderful contrast.

The minimalism we find in our present era is nothing like that which was popularized 50 years ago. In fact, if someone claims to be a minimalist today, you really don’t know exactly what they mean until you dive a little deeper.

But this also means that a blending of styles is possible, and a syncretic dimension of both Boho-chic and minimalist attributes is actually quite popular as of 2022.

If you’re looking to spice up your place with a bit of extravagance while also removing unwanted clutter from your space, fusing the elements of Boho-chic and minimalism is easily achievable.

Modern Minimalism Meets Boho-Chic: How to Fuse Your Space with Style - Modern Minimalism, minimalist, interior design, home

Creating Space

One thing common about all minimalist abodes is that you have plenty of free space. And for those with Bohemian inclinations, this creates a wonderfully empty canvas to work with.

A minimalist approach to designing a space would incorporate the free movement that an empty space provides. But when you’re attempting to achieve a Boho-chic feel, providing this space with a bit of texture and color is key. In fact, you can achieve a Boho-chic feel while keeping a minimalist appeal with lighting and strategic furniture placement.

For example, instead of eccentric, puffy curtains which block out natural light, having only an ornate curtain rod with a light sheer, or without curtains entirely, can offer a space for natural light to enter while keeping with a Boho-chic style and a minimalist design.

Additionally, having only a few pieces of furniture is also a key element of minimalism. But this doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice comfort. Basically, if you’re going to have just one couch, get a big comfortable couch with sleek edges that offers you the best of both styles.

Accent with Artwork

Artwork is a key element in Boho-chic design. And while you might want to bring your inner Bohemian out to play by hanging eccentric and colorful artwork all over your walls, this won’t adequately complement a minimalist approach.

The key to incorporating artwork into your space is to have sparsely placed pieces of art. And the more you can provide a bit of texture to your walls, the better.

Just a few pieces of textured art gives a Boho-chic quality while also offering appeal to the minimalist philosophy.

A few ideas to consider are as follows:

  • Large Bas-relief
  • Sculptures
  • Ornate ironwork
  • Black and white line art
  • Textiles
  • Dried plants
  • Wire art

When you begin looking for artwork to incorporate into your home, consider the easiest and most simple home decor to be the best suited for a minimalist approach. But don’t forget to add color where it’s needed. Because this is also a great method for adding warmth to a space.

Choosing Colors

Color plays a huge part in Boho-chic design, but it doesn’t exactly speak a minimalist language. Regardless, you can nicely complement both styles by utilizing colors common to both designs.

Minimalism often uses soft, muted colors which might almost seem puritanical or otherwise lifeless to some. But this doesn’t mean that these colors can’t be used.

For example, while a Boho-chic design might rely on layered color incorporating both earth tones and loud splashes, you can still overlay these colors over a neutral base. And while neutral colors such as grays, whites, slate, gunmetal, and the like all offer neutral bases, you can accent these with louder colors if you desire.

A personal Touch

With any space, you want to make it your own. And depending on your personal tastes and your personality in general, you’ll have many options to consider.

Perhaps you’re a nature lover. If this is the case, instead of opting for color in the form of artwork and the like, using natural plants, succulents, potted herbs, and other natural features would be a great touch to bring a bit of nature into your space.

Even if you’re a gym rat, having a dedicated space to exercise such as a yoga mat or a rowing machine can be accent points that you might want to consider.

At the end of the day, there are a number of ways to accommodate both a Boho-chic and minimalist lifestyle through design. And if you keep it simple, you’ll have no problem achieving cohesive results.