In Hinduism, the solar plexus is one of the seven main chakras of the human body. It is located at the level of the sternum, a bone of the thorax, precisely towards the pit of the stomach .
The solar plexus is a biological component of the body, which plays a role in mood and digestion . It is so named because it is a center of nerves that will form a sun. Its second name in physiology is the celiac plexus. Composed mainly of nerves, it connects our head to our belly. In anatomy, different plexuses participate in the formation of the nervous network that runs through the body from head to toe. Thus, the solar plexus nerves are the link between the brain and the digestive organs. It is for this reason that when we feel stressed, we have a stomach ache, we feel pain just at the level of the stomach, where this epicenter is located, about 3 fingers above the navel.
The seat of emotions in the human body

As an energy center, where channels intersect, the solar plexus has many functions, including that of the seat of emotions.
“Each energy center is linked to a part of the body and will have a physical, physiological, and emotional aspect. The solar plexus refers to the ‘Manipura chakra’, the third chakra. Its main theme is self-esteem. oneself, self-confidence, and taking action. It is a chakra linked to motivation.
The solar plexus is the basis of our esteem, our inner confidence, our spontaneity. It participates in maintaining emotional stability within us and helps to develop greater ease of openness to others. In its emotional and relational aspect, the solar plexus chakra allows us to take our place in the world and to affirm our personality, adds the reflexologist. But it can be unbalanced if there is disharmony in our lives, an inner disagreement, or dissonance between our values and our actions.
Direct intervention on digestion
This plexus is part of the autonomic nervous system, in its sympathetic subdivision. It intervenes in the function of digestion by sending information to all the digestive organs.
Thus, a balanced solar plexus will have a strong influence on our digestive health. But in case of imbalance, an energy blockage due for example to intense stress, our stomach will be hurt, causing gastric problems. Because this crossroads zone, mixing emotions and digestion, can be “blocked” easily. Especially since its two functions are interdependent.
How to take care of your solar plexus?
But it is possible to take care of your solar plexus in a natural way.
To unlock it, you can massage yourself in the area, clockwise. Another possibility: is the postures of the opening of the rib cage or breathing exercises. This will come to calm the sympathetic nervous system linked to the solar plexus. Last technique to balance your chakras: we come to look for energizing postures that solicit your abs, to awaken the fire.
For that, why not try the boat pose? Sitting, we lift our knees, feet, and arms to find ourselves balanced on our buttocks. The plank posture is also effective, on the hands, knees, or side.
Another opening position to release the rib cage: the posture of the bow. Lying on your stomach, grab your feet by the ankles and pull them up to form an arch. Finally, some natural essential oils will help rebalance or prevent blockages, such as noble chamomile oil, true lavender oil, ylang-ylang oil, or kunzea oil.