The swollen face in the morning, never made anyone dream. And yet it happens more often than you might think. Indeed, whether it is an evening with too much water, an excess of salt, a summer day with scorching temperatures or even a lack of hydration. As facialist Katharine Mackenzie Paterson explains to Vogue UK, “ Puffiness is caused by several factors. Among them, are salt and alcohol of course, but also a sluggish lymphatic system, lack of sleep or congestion. Especially during the summer months, when allergies show up. However, there are many causes for morning puffiness. But don’t panic, there are many solutions to remedy this problem.
Review your sleeping position
We tend not to pay attention to it, but the way we sleep has direct repercussions on our health. And even more on the face. Indeed, if you wonder why when you wake up your face is all puffy. Well, we have the solution! Indeed, characters who tend to sleep on their stomachs will be more sensitive to facial swelling. To avoid this, prefer positions on the side with the head raised lightness with a good quality cushion. To allow the body to pass better and allow fluids to flow more easily. Moreover, in addition to the position, the temperature of the room is important. Indeed, prefer a temperature of around 18 ° C for your interior to avoid swelling during the night.
Massage your face regularly

It is often neglected, but massage its face, it’s the MUST! In addition to being ultra-soothing, the circular movements made on the face will help to relax. But also to reduce facial puffiness while promoting lymphatic circulation. You do it with your hands, with the face massage rollers or with the Gua Sha. For even more visible results, do not hesitate to add essential oil to the face to further firm the skin.
The unexpected benefits of cryotherapy for the face
For the more adventurous, an ice facial bath could do you the greatest good. Indeed, cryotherapy is gaining more and more followers. Whether it’s Hailey Bieber to Kate Moss via Kim Kardashian, they no longer swear by cryotherapy to have the perfect complexion. You can choose to do it in an institute. But for those who do not want to break the bank, an equally effective homemade solution exists. For this, equip a large basin in which you add cold water, slices of cucumbers and large ice cubes. Immerse your face regularly for 10 minutes. This technique will firm the skin and remove the puffy appearance on the face. Moreover, for those who fear the icy aspect of cryotherapy. You can also opt for cold water face wash instead of lukewarm water for immediate results.