Where does the Boho style come from?

The first reference to bohemian as a way of life appears in the work of the French romantic writer Henri Murger’s “Scènes de la Vie de Bohème”, published in 1851. This work is the precursor of many others. Thus, Murger’s work serves as inspiration for Puccini’s opera “ La Bohème ”. Even the operas Louise, by Gustave Charpentier, and Carmen, by Bizet, are inspired by this literary work.
The bohemian lifestyle is adopted by a part of the Parisian art community. This group of artists rejects the conventional lifestyle of society. Instead, they seek inspiration from the joyous nomadic lifestyle of the gypsies of the Bohemian region (Czech Republic). In this way, the bohemians move away from conventions and opt for a more austere life and away from social rules, both in attitude and clothing.
The movement arises in Paris. Murger himself points out that “bohemia is only possible in Paris”. However, this lifestyle spread to other capitals at the end of the 14th century and the beginning of the 20th. Thus bohemian influences arise in Madrid, London, and even Buenos Aires.
Creation of the Boho-Chic style
The boho style escapes the artistic field and becomes a lifestyle and fashion trend. Thus, the initial boho style disappears, more disheveled, to seek an aesthetic within freedom. In this way, the Boho-Chic style arises. The definition of boho or bohemian that we already know is joined by the “Chic” tagline. Chic is a French word that means elegant and distinguished. Therefore, boho-chic follows from the definition of a bohemian as a poor person. Thus the Boho-Chic is identified with the bohemian values of creativity, freedom, and critical spirit, but together with a careful style. The Boho-Chic is freestyle, but not disheveled.
How to dress in boho-chic style?
Although the boho-chic style is characterized by the absence of rules and creativity, there are certain patterns in clothing. Thus, the fabrics used to try to be natural. In the patterns, we find both neutral and warm tones as well as vintage ethnic patterns. In the boho-chic style, as we have said, fusion dominates. But a fusion with style. The elements of the outfit must interpenetrate and combine. Although boho-chic clothing and accessories are usually associated with colorful and ornate elements, we cannot make all our elements compete with each other for being the center of attention.