How to Find the Best Hot Water System That Meets Your Budget - solar, hot water, home

If you are installing a new hot water system in your house soon, you’ll be pleased to know the modern systems often last for a decade or longer. However, if your current hot water system is breaking down, you may want to consider a replacement. If you want to save money in the process, there are several things you should be aware of.

Pricing of Hot Water Systems

When you replace your hot water heater, it can be more expensive than some other appliances in your home. That’s because several variables go into the process. These include:

  • The actual price of hot water systems
  • Whether you are converting from gas to electric or tank to tankless, which requires extra components
  • What materials are needed for the installation process
  • Whether the hot water system will be installed somewhere new
  • The cost of labour using a licensed plumber
  • Whether you need to have the old system removed from the property
  • The need for any permits to go with the installation
  • How your pipes are positioned
  • Whether you have any current issues with your pipes

Tank vs. Tankless Systems

Many water heaters are available, from solar-powered to heat pumps, but all will be tank or tankless. The tank style has a large cylinder that stores hot water until it is needed. They range in capacity and depending on your climate can be installed in laundry rooms or basements, or outside at the side of your house.

Tankless are smaller and only create hot water when it is needed. With no need for a tank, they can fit into compact areas. These are often less expensive but you may be running your taps a little longer before you get hot water.

Type of Fuel

You’ll also want to think about the fuel type of your hot water systems. Each has its own set of benefits and disadvantages to be aware of:

  • Natural gas – Produces hot water quickly, is available in many models and sizes, and may require venting.
  • Propane – Also needs venting and requires both regular deliveries of fuel and a storage tank.
  • Solar – Solar hot water systems are highly energy efficient, and can be extremely cheap, but you will need to talk to an expert to ascertain how viable it is for your home and climate.
  • Electric – Include no need for venting and have easy installation but require additional energy.

When you need a new hot water system, consider your budget and the options available to you. Think about what type of system you use now and whether you want to change that. Many things go into the process of choosing the right system. A local hot water system professional can help you make the best decision.