When we have a nice outfit, there is nothing better than a nice handbag to add that extra something to our look. We viewed the models and were won over by a few pieces that are worth checking out. Handbags are things that we cannot do without… Very useful to carry our little clutter of the daily train, but nothing prevents us from combining business with pleasure. If you have a soft spot for this part, which can make a stylish look even more eye-catching, you know what we are talking about. Here are the models that catch our eye…

The jute bag is also making a comeback

The traditional satchel, ideal for back to school, the micro bag or even the jute bag, this star of the summer that is difficult to part with… We have to admit that we find “the” bag for the year of the good foot, to begin with, it’s the baby for many of us. This year the summer will also follow us in September and not only with the temperatures that suggest an Indian summer in the coming autumn. The burlap bag, which we have seen many times during the summer season, is playing extra time and will also make a comeback on the shoulders of many of us.

Practical, stylish or both?

Apart from the trends that remind us of our time at the sea, we will also give way to bags in XXL format… Those who like to carry all their junk around with them will enjoy tote bags. all. And for the fewer lovers of clutter, the mini bags have prevailed, only adding style to our looks. We have to admit, some aren’t made practical! Thinking about style before thinking about practicality isn’t a crime either… After all, sometimes all we need is to feel on top, so why bother?

1. Jute Bag


2. Shoulder Bag


3. Leather Bag


4. Tote Bag


5. Crocodile Effect Bag
