Lately, avocado consumption has only grown. This fruit, so unknown a few years ago, has become the fashionable fruit, there are even those who want to plant avocados at home. Surely some time gossiping through Instagram a post of delicious and healthy recipes with avocado has appeared. Normal, avocado has many benefits for our health. Next, we tell you all!

The avocado is a curious fruit, so much so that many people do not know what to do with it. It is not sweet like most, it has some protein (2%) and above all a notable proportion of fat, which reaches 25% of the total weight. And, as in the case of nuts, its closest neighbors, more than 85% are unsaturated, that is, the healthiest because they have beneficial effects on blood cholesterol levels and on the state of the arteries and the heart.
The avocado contains nutrients that prevent the oxidation of fatty acids and the effects of free radicals: vitamins A, C, and E. It also provides notable amounts of vitamin B6, which favors the assimilation of fats and the immune system.
The avocado is characterized by the significant and fairly balanced presence of essential amino acids. These proteins are better assimilated and combined with eggs, dairy products, cereals, sesame, or nuts.
100 grams of avocado provide:
- 223 calories
- 28% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin B6
- 25% of vitamin E
- 22% of vitamin C
- 18% of folic acid
- 13% of potassium
- Avocado normalizes the level of cholesterol and favors the health of the cardiovascular system.
- Prevents the appearance of cancer and degenerative diseases.
- Supports the health of the immune system and the nervous system.
- Regulates the entry of sugar into the blood.
- Its richness in lutein protects vision.
- It has a mild laxative effect.
- Nourishes the skin, nails, and hair due to its high content of vitamins C and E.
- Contributes to the level of blood pressure by being rich in potassium.
Avocado is a great ally for the skin due to its high content of vitamins C and E. In fact, many masks are made with avocado pulp (surely you have an image of a person with a green mask) to delay the appearance of wrinkles.
- For fatigued skin, beat an egg yolk with a tablespoon of pulp. They are left on the face until they feel tight and are removed with lukewarm water.
- For oily skin, a mask is made with two or three tablespoons of pulp and the juice of half a lemon. Let it dry and remove it with lukewarm water.