Keeping track of all of your jewelry is not an easy thing to do, especially when you consider the sheer amount of small accessories such as rings and earrings as well as bracelets and necklaces that you have. Most of those things are pretty small or very easy to lose.
This is why you should consider storing all of your jewelry and accessories in a jewelry box. This way, not only you are going to know where your stuff is at all times, but you also are going to be able to display your jewelry and accessories on a shelf or somewhere else where you can put the jewelry box and make it act as a display box.
Welcome to a new collection which features 16 Unique Handmade Jewelry Box Designs For Elegant Jewelry Storage And Display. In this collection, you are going to find lots of creative and unique designs that are going to inspire you with ideas that you can try to make real by yourself or just buy them online. Enjoy!
Clear Glass Jewelry Box