If you have a cat in your home, you already know, and if you will have one, you should know that litter boxes are a fundamental part of a cat’s life, their special “bathroom”. It’s the area where your pet relieves itself, a “private” area where it marks its territory. So whichever litter box you choose, make sure it guarantees your cat’s privacy, they are very jealous of their intimacy. Once you’ve chosen the right sandpit, place it in a quiet place and don’t move it, always away from food and water.
What are the best sandboxes? This depends on the needs of the cat, the size of your house, the design you like, your routines and the type of cat you have at home, but most of all it must be comfortable and spacious (the length of the cat selected ). must be 1.5 times larger than the cat for it to be able to turn, move and dig comfortably).
There are a variety of models on the market, from lidded and lidless options to automatic and come in a variety of sizes and colours. We explain and recommend the best:
Basic litter box

The simplest litter boxes are simple boxes or hygienic bowls of sand. This is the model that takes up the least space, is easy to clean and is the most economical, but at the same time it has several disadvantages: since it is not covered, it emits the most odour that can reach the whole house and when you have other pets or have children, they can touch it by putting your hands in it.
Covered litter box
The covered sandpit is perfect for the cat as they are very jealous of their privacy and therefore like privacy. And two other benefits are that it keeps odours in that space and prevents sand and dust from escaping. The disadvantage of this type of sandbox is that they are larger, therefore they take up more space in the home and are more complicated to clean.
Automatic litter box
The automatic litter box is the most hygienic on the market. Just as there are smart feeders, there are also state-of-the-art sandboxes. These are modern self-cleaning cat flaps, meaning there’s no need to collect faeces, they control bad odours and prevent them from spreading throughout the home.
Disposable litter box
Disposable litter boxes are the best option for travel or special occasions. It is a biodegradable, single-use product that must not be cleaned and thrown away after use. Another alternative for holidays is the foldable sandpits, they are easy to assemble and take up little space.