Creative spaces come in all shapes and sizes, from a private corner of your home to an entire studio dedicated to your craft. These spaces can be used for both professional and personal projects. Freelance designers may use it for work-related tasks, while hobbyists may use it for crafting and other activities.

Regardless of purpose, the key is to have an environment dedicated to your creativity that is comfortable, inspiring and conducive to productivity. It should also be organized so that it works with you instead of against you.  A well-thought-out storage system can help keep things organized and make it easier to concentrate on your work. Creative spaces also provide a place for collaboration, so consider setting aside an area for group activities like brainstorming sessions or art projects. With the right tools and environment in place, you can create a creative space that helps fuel your imagination and keeps you inspired.

How to Organize Your Creative Happy Space - organize, office, home, declutter, creative ideas

Storage Furniture

Drawers and shelves are a must for most creative spaces.  They are the classic way to provide organization and tidiness to the space.  Adding drawers and shelves to your space is an easy way to store items such as paper, fabric swatches, design templates, writing instruments and office supplies. This ensures that all the materials you need are within reach so you can get to work quickly.

Portable Containers

Bins, baskets and containers of various sizes can help keep your space neat and organized by preventing items from getting mixed up or misplaced. One of the biggest benefits of using nice containers is that you can easily move all the supplies you need to wherever you intend to use them.  There is no need to make a dozen trips, hauling a dozen items to your work table.  It’s a good idea to label them for an even more efficient system.

Get Off the Floor

Walls can be used for hanging tools, artwork, instruments, and other supplies. Use pegboards, hooks and racks to maximize your space.  If you have a specialty item, protect it.  For example, if you have a guitar, keeping it on the floor adds clutter to the room and puts the guitar in harm’s way, even if it’s in a case.  However, using guitar holders and hangers keeps the instrument accessible and safe.  When items are up off the floor, they are not only easier to see and keep track of, they are typically much less likely to be damaged.  Items that are neatly stowed on a shelf or hook can’t be accidentally stepped on.

Use Magnets

Unlike using nails or screws, using magnets can be a highly effective way to hold things in place without committing to where you want them.  Magnetic boards are a great way to store information such as contact details, notes and project reminders in an aesthetically pleasing manner. You can also use magnets to attach photos and other items, making this an extremely versatile storage option.

File Your Papers

Investing in paper sorters can be a game changer for freeing up your horizontal surfaces and reducing your stress levels.  Organizing paperwork can be a challenge, but paper sorters allow you to store documents neatly and efficiently so that they are easy to find when needed. There is a reason that the classic filing cabinet has stood the test of time.  They work!  Papers are sortable, safe, and findable when stored properly.

Label It

Labeling shelves and containers is essential for efficient organization. Labeling containers is an easy way to make sure everything has its place and helps keep the space organized. Not having to search for supplies when you are in the middle of a project can help keep you from losing focus and getting distracted. Having a clear labeling system also makes it easier to quickly find what you need and get back on track with the best part of being creative – making it!

Task Lights

For just about all projects, it’s essential to have good lighting. Consider investing in task lights that are adjustable and provide ample illumination for your workspace.  Good lighting is an important factor in maintaining a creative space. Proper lighting helps keep things organized, makes it easier to see what you’re doing and can even have positive effects on your mood and productivity. Natural light is preferable for your health and mood, so be sure to position chairs or desks near windows or other sources of natural light when possible.

These are just some of the design elements you can add to your creative space to help stay organized and productive. When properly utilized, these tools and techniques can help make your creative space a more enjoyable place to work, allowing for greater focus and inspiration during projects.