In recent years, mental health has become increasingly important. However, today we come to share some tips on how to improve self-esteem by wearing lingerie. Are you curious? Keep reading!
Lingerie as a tool to strengthen self-esteem

Body posture, the clothes we wear, how (and even) how we dress reflect how we feel inside. Our image, how we present ourselves to the world, provides more information about ourselves than we might initially think. Let’s use that reflection to study ourselves and see what we are transmitting.
How to wear lingerie to boost self-esteem: create a ritual

Feeling safe inside is reflected on the outside. Just as thoughts and emotions cannot be seen but felt, something similar happens with lingerie. We are energy, and that energy creates reality.
As we often say, what works for one person may not work for another. So even if you don’t follow these tips to the letter, Iwe hope they inspire you to find or create your own morning ritual.
Choosing clothes with an intention
A few paragraphs above we already anticipated this. The way we choose how to dress plays a very important role because it will reflect our mood.
It may be that you first choose what clothes to wear and depending on that you choose the underwear that best suits your outfit or vice versa. Be that as it may, don’t do it out of inertia. In the same way that you can devour a dish or savor it, take a little time to enjoy and be present at the time of dressing. Even if you are one of the people who choose what to wear the night before, surely your choices were made corresponding to a mood, a sensation, a message to give … Rescue all that the moment you are dressing.
Pamper your body and your senses
We know that there will be those who will say that it is better to use the perfume before getting dressed and we are not wrong, but what works most of the time is to spray your chosen fragrance for that day when you already have my underwear on. In this sense, we are one of those who thinks that both intimate clothing and perfumes should be chosen/used first and last for oneself and that it is very difficult to give any of them as gifts unless you know the woman very very well. the person you want to entertain.
Sometimes, if you feel very sophisticated, you can also apply some lotion or body oil (this is always before the underwear, and you should allow a little time for it to absorb well), you put on the jewelry/costume jewelry (not at the end of the dress, which is usually the norm), or even put on makeup.
Music and movement
We cannot conceive of the idea that there is any person who does not like music. It’s everything. No matter what style is your favorite, include music in your mornings that puts you in a good mood. Move to his rhythm and, if you have energy and desire, dance! Now, there is no need to set a perfect choreography, but simply express yourself freely through the movements of your body. Even if you can’t dance and feel like you have the coordination of a dizzy duck (anyone else like me around here?), The more you do it the more comfortable you will feel. By the way, you can do it with or without a mirror. And speaking of mirrors…