Discovering looks that distinguish you also means being willing to have fun, trying new clothes, and experimenting with different cuts and colors to which you are used.

When you open your closet and you don’t know what to wear


When you open the closet, surely, you have clothes (and perhaps a lot). However, you may feel a sudden slump and not feel like getting dressed. Finally, you end up taking the same old thing and you end up repeating looks. If we are correct, the time has come for you to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Has your life undergone a major change? Have you been a mother, have you changed jobs, or have you moved?
  • How is your body now? Have you gained or lost weight or have you dyed your hair color?
  • Do you like the trends out there and do you feel good about them, or not?

The answer to these questions can be key and you should take them into account when dressing. In essence: what has changed in your life so that you do not feel good in the clothes you have? Before taking action, you should think about it.

What is personal style?


The personal style remains through the years and is independent of fashions or life changes. It is inherent to your personality, your way of being, and of expressing yourself. It is the style that gives a global image of you.

For example, you can have a boho style but with a seventies point, or more basic or minimal, or chic, or all at the same time. All these mixes are very personal and arise spontaneously when you know how to translate who you are into the way you dress.

Steps to follow to find your personal style


Reflect with what colors and clothes are you more

  • What colors, patterns, cuts, or types of garments do you like the most? Open your closet and observe.
  • Take a poll of your friends and family – how would they describe you stylistically? What do they see you most favored with?
  • With what do you feel beautiful and good? Investigate in your photos, social networks …
  • Look for references: get inspired by Pinterest looks that you love, characters from movies or series that you like, make your own mood board and have fun in the process.

How is your lifestyle?


Life is the scenario in which you move, so there are many things you have to take into account to find your style: do you live in the country or the city? Do you work at the office or home? near the coast or does your life take place more in the interior? How do you move around on a day-to-day basis: bike, car, subway …? Do you have children, do you live alone or with friends?

If you can, reflect: how much time do you dedicate to work? How much to your free time? How much do special events? Think in percentages: 60-30-10, 50-50, 70-20-10 …

How much budget do you allocate when it comes to dressing?

The time has come to think about your priorities. Style is also an investment, so ask yourself the following:

  • Do you buy cheap and a lot?
  • Do you want quality garments that will last for years even if you pay a little more?
  • Do you invest a little or a lot in clothes each month?
  • Do you spend only when changing seasons or more times?
  • Do you buy outfits or loose clothes from time to time to refresh your image?
  • All before this are true?

Now that you have reflected on yourself and your day-to-day life, you can already have a perspective view of your budget and needs, so we will give you tips that will always help you achieve your true style, let’s get to it!