Ninety-seven percent of summer travel in the United States is done by car. And road trips are the most popular choice of travel.

Taking a road trip is a great way to get out of the house and see new places. Summer travel can also be a great way to bond with your family, friends, or significant others.

However, if you’re planning to take a road trip this summer, be sure to make a plan.

You can make your trip easier by preparing in advance, being organized, and following a road trip checklist. This will help keep you safe and ready for anything that comes your way.

If you are looking for the road trip essentials to make your vacation a success, this short and simple guide of road trip items needed is for you.

Don't Hit the Road Without This Road Trip Checklist - travel, tips, road trip, car

Snacks and Water

It’s important to keep your energy up when driving long distances so that you don’t crash from exhaustion or get hungry.

Snacks like granola bars and trail mix are perfect for this situation. They are easy to carry around and won’t spoil if left out in the car for too long.

If you’re worried about getting dehydrated, bring plenty of water.

You don’t have to buy expensive bottled water. Just fill up an empty bottle from your tap at home and take it with you.

Smartphone Holders

If you’re bringing along your smartphone, it’s a good idea to get a holder for it.

This way, you can use your phone without having to worry about dropping it or accidentally hitting buttons while driving to ensure road safety. A holder will also keep your phone upright so that you can see any incoming calls or texts more easily.

It’s also a good idea to bring along an extra charger so that you don’t run out of juice halfway through your trip.


If you’re bringing along food or drink, you want to keep it cool.

A cooler will keep your items cold for a longer period than just putting them in an ice chest or a regular bag. It will also help prevent any spills from leaking out into your vehicle.

You can find coolers in a variety of sizes and shapes.


You may think that it’s not a big deal if you get sunburned while driving, but it is.

Sunburn can make it difficult for you to see clearly. It will cause your body temperature to rise, which can be dangerous.

You’ll also feel more tired, which is not the best thing when you’re driving on the road. Make sure you pack some sunscreen and apply it before you leave your home or hotel room.

Bug Spray

Insects can be a serious problem on road trips. They can bite and sting you, which is not only annoying but also dangerous.

You don’t want to be distracted by the pain of a bug bite or stinger. It could cause an accident or injury.

Make sure you pack some bug spray so that you can keep those pesky insects away from your skin.

First Aid Kit

You never know when an accident will happen, and you need to be prepared for it.

Pack some bandages and gauze so that you can stop any bleeding quickly. There are also medicines in the kit that can help with pain relief and reduce swelling.

You should also pack some scissors, tweezers, and an ice pack. These items can help you with first aid if you get injured.

Navigating Tools

GPS devices are very helpful when you’re traveling. You can use them to find your way around and make sure that you don’t get lost.

It’s also a good idea to pack some maps so that you have something physical to refer to if your GPS battery dies or malfunctions.

You should also pack some binoculars, a compass, and a flashlight. These items can help you navigate through difficult situations or when the weather isn’t ideal.


You never know when something might go wrong, and you need to pay for an emergency. It’s a good idea to pack some cash in case you get lost or have to pay for things like food and lodging during your trip.

You should also pack some cash in case you need to pay for an emergency. This might include the cost of a tow truck or other roadside assistance if your car breaks down.

Road Trip Games

Road trip games are a great way to keep everyone occupied during long drives.

You can buy a travel game set or make your own by packing cards, dice, and other small items that will fit into your glove compartment. If you have kids along for the ride, try playing I Spy or license plate bingo.

You can also bring along plenty of music and podcasts that everyone will enjoy listening to while driving.


If you’re going on a long road trip, it’s important to pack chargers for your cell phone, laptop, and other electronic devices.

You might also want to bring along a power strip so that everyone in your party can charge their devices at once. Pack an extension cord so that you can plug into outlets while camping or staying at hotels.

A power inverter can also come in handy if you want to use your laptop or other electronics while on the road.

Emergency Roadside Kit

A good roadside kit should include everything you need to change a tire, like a jack and a wrench. It’s also a good idea to have jumper cables in case someone breaks down near you.

Pack some flares so that other drivers will see your vehicle on the side of the road during dark hours. And check out the common types of car accidents before getting on the road.

Road Trip Checklist: Make Sure You Prepare Before Hitting the Road

A road trip checklist is a must when traveling. You never know what can go wrong, so it’s best to be prepared.

This checklist is a guide, so add or remove items as you see fit. You should also keep in mind that every trip will have different needs depending on the length and type of travel.

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