Can you have a cat in an apartment? The answer is yes! You can rest assured because cats adapt very well to apartment life.
But for that, you need to take some care and pay attention to the tips that we are going to give you below. Follow us:
How to raise a cat in an apartment

Cats are independent, curious and very smart animals. They also like security, and routine and love to play.
They are also known for the long hours they spend sleeping and for their natural tendency to conquer the spaces of the house for themselves as if they were the real owners of the place.
Knowing these main characteristics of cats already helps a lot to understand how you should take care of the feline.
But, of course, we also brought some tips to make this job easier. Come and see.
Protection screens
Cats are animals that like to walk high and be adventurous, without fear of being happy.
That’s why it’s not uncommon to see them walking around on walls, roofs or, in the case of apartments, on furniture, shelves and windowsills.
But despite this being a natural instinct of felines, it is important to be careful. Apartment windows and balconies are dangerous for kittens. They can go up and end up falling. Because of this, the first thing you should do is provide protective screens in these locations.
The most suitable are those made of nylon thread, the same ones used to protect children. Avoid only screens with very fine wire, as the cat can tear it with his nails, and those where the gaps are very large, where he would certainly be able to get through.
Beware of plants
If you’re the crazy crazy type of plant, be careful. Some species are toxic and poisonous to felines, which can cause allergies and vomiting to convulsions and respiratory arrest.
Before taking any plant home, research its toxicity. If you already have a toxic plant in your home, keep it away from your cat. And a tip that can help: have a vase with plants that the cat can eat.
That’s because felines like to chew leaves, especially when they feel stomach discomfort. You can leave some type of grass at their disposal, such as wheat, for example. Herbs such as lemongrass also tend to please cats and not harm them.
Adapt the space
Are you going to take a kitty to the apartment? Then try to adapt to the environment to receive it. Calm! We’re not talking about changing the whole decor, just organizing things so that the feline adapts more easily to the environment.
Start by arranging a corner for him to eat. Cats are very hygienic and will not feel comfortable having their meals in the same space where the litter box is, for example.
Ideally, keep separate areas for the cat to feed and relieve itself.
Beware of furniture full of objects. From the beginning, until your cat gets used to it, you will see a lot of things ending up on the floor, as they love to climb and go around on cabinets and shelves.
Have a litter box
Cats need their own space to poop and pee. They are very clean and if you put a litter box at the disposal of the feline you will certainly not see dirt around the house. Prefer litter boxes with higher sides, so the litter doesn’t spread to the sides when the kitten is covering its needs.
It is also important to choose a good quality litter that does not cause pet allergies. And above all, don’t use construction sand or beach sand in the box, ok?
Clean feeders
Cats are not as famous as they are by chance. They are very peculiar animals and with some very different habits from dogs, for example.
A dirty feeder or with “old” food (the one you put yesterday) is not well regarded by your kitty. Yes, cats are queasy at that point. They want the feeder always clean and with fresh food. So put only the amount of food he will consume at that moment.
Water source
You must have seen scenes of kittens playing with the water that comes out of the tap. This is because cats love to drink water on the go. For them, standing water is a sign of dirty water (remember that they are seasick, right?). Because of this, a good tip is to have a source of water for your feline to quench its thirst.
These fountains are specific for cats and keep the water always moving for the joy of the cat.
Beware of chemicals
Do you know that story about curiosity killing the cat? She is real. Cats are always digging through what you have at home. And in one of these adventures they can end up coming into contact with chemicals and cleaning products.
So keep all this well away from your cat, for example, by locking products in a closet. The same goes for medications and even the mothballs you keep in your closet.