The world has changed, the lifestyle has changed. But if there is one thing that remains the same, it is the companionship between dogs and humans. It turns out that it’s not always easy to reconcile this friendship living in an apartment. That’s because some obstacles can make it difficult to raise a dog in an apartment. But calm down!
Today there are many ways to make this adaptation and ensure a good and peaceful life for your dog and your neighbors. Just take a look at the tips below.
How to raise a dog in an apartment? Basic tips to follow
1. Prepare the environment

It all starts with preparing the environment, in this case, your apartment. Here, you should plan the place where the dog will sleep, where the pet’s food and bathroom will be. These three fundamental spaces for the dog must be separated from each other. Also, avoid moving these places so that the pet gets used to each one of them.
If you have plants at home, check to see if any of them are toxic and poisonous. Most animals, by instinct or curiosity, have the habit of eating leaves and it may be that in one of these he ends up ingesting what he shouldn’t and gets sick.
Therefore, potentially toxic plants should be kept out of reach of your pussy.
2. Walk soft and warm

Your dog needs a place to sleep and rest. Dogs are territorial and need their own space, even if they also lie down with you in bed or on the couch. Offer a soft bed with some kind of blanket or blanket on the coldest days of the year. The ideal is for the dog’s bed to be somewhere in the house where the family also usually stays since the animal enjoys the company of its owners. A good tip is the living room or home office for those who work at home.
Avoid leaving the bed in windy places, such as balconies and service areas. It is also not recommended to keep the pet’s walk-in places with a large circulation of people so that it does not get stressed.
3. Security
It doesn’t matter if you live on the first or top floor of the building. It is essential to install protective screens on windows to avoid accidents with your furry. Also, be careful with open doors that can facilitate the dog’s escape. Remember that it is your responsibility to take care of and ensure the safety of the animal and other residents of the condominium.
4. Food and water

Your pet’s food and water corner should be in a clean and quiet place so that it feels comfortable at mealtime.
Some animals can become aggressive when eating, especially if strangers are around. Therefore, avoid leaving the dishes in common areas such as the dining room or living room. Prefer the service area or the kitchen.
If you and your family are away most of the time make sure your pet has plenty of water, especially in summer. Food should be offered according to the size and needs of the animal, but, in general, it is recommended to remove the pot when the animal has finished eating so that it does not eat more than necessary.
To keep the space clean, bet on mats that absorb water and crumbs that may fall out of the container.
5. Guaranteed needs
You need to teach your pet to pee and poop in the right place. For this, choose a place far from where the animal sleeps and eats. Nowadays there are hygienic mats, similar to diapers, where the pee is absorbed, keeping the floor dry and clean. But you can still opt for the good old newspaper. Another possibility is collection boxes, similar to cat litter boxes, but which have a compartment underneath where pee and poop are stored.
To make the process easier, you can also use educational sprays that teach the dog to pee in the right place. Just spray in the places where you want the dog to do his homework. And one more important tip: keep the place where your pet needs always clean, changing the mat or newspaper. That’s because if dogs notice dirt they’ll end up peeing on your couch.
6. Hygiene
Cleanliness never hurts when you have pets at home. In addition to keeping the place of needs always sanitized, you still need to ensure the cleanliness of the bed and food and water containers. All this to ensure your pussy’s health.
The family’s health is also important. Therefore, do not neglect the vacuuming of the house to eliminate hair and sanitize the floor with a disinfectant.
7. One ride a day
Any dog that lives in an apartment, whether small or large, needs to go out for a walk every day. Yea! You need to guarantee it to him. It is at this moment that the dog can spend energy, make needs (but don’t forget the bag to collect the poop, ok?), and interact with other animals. This simple walk (which doesn’t need to last more than half an hour) is essential to relieve the dog’s anxiety and stress, even helping it to be less agitated in the apartment, barking and bothering the neighbors.
Some condominiums already have pet-friendly spaces where residents can meet their pussies. But make sure you follow the rules and ensure a good relationship.
8. Activities and recreation

In addition to the tours, it is also important that you offer recreational activities for your pet indoors. Toys and games help the dog to de-stress, expend energy and also favors the relationship between you.
9. Dressage
Finally, if you notice that even with all the care your puppy doesn’t seem to adapt to apartment life, then you may need to take the dog for some dressage classes. This is an important process for the dog to learn to socialize without causing risks to him and others. It will also help you sleep and take care of your needs in the place you choose.
Did you write down all the tips? Now just enjoy the company of your four-legged friend!