When the signs of time are already there, it is no longer a question of making them disappear but rather of letting them settle in gently and sublimating them since they are the symbol of an experience, of a personality. We no longer stare at a crow’s feet in the corner of our eyes, we read the imprint of a laughing look. We no longer sulk the lines of bitterness around the mouth, we see all the smiles exchanged in the past.

Beauty products dedicated to mature skin now bring more vitality and help the skin to reveal itself, to radiate: it’s all a question of vocabulary. To address younger skin, the argument is built around “aging well”.

The Triumph of Science Over the Skin


Within the world of cosmetics, it is fashionable today to claim one’s scientific heritage. This is the phenomenal success of ‘ doctor brands ‘, notably embodied by Augustinus Bader. Before, there were dermo-cosmetics brands which were pharmacy brands. Then new players arrived who were not s embarrass more by the pharmacy circuit and who affirm their medical identity in other ways, for example by betting on a strong figure, as is the case for Augustinus Bader, presented as a world-renowned doctor and researcher in the biomedical field, an expert in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine.

How to explain the enthusiasm for these new brands? We are in a post-Covid era, we want security and transparency, and we want to know what is in the products, with ever more efficient and effective active ingredients. Consumers have become experts and are looking for very specific active ingredients such as vitamin C, retinol, bakuchiol … And the ‘ doctor brands ‘ respond perfectly to this logic”. Faced with this growth, it is not necessarily easy for couture brands like Dior to position themselves. How can they justify their added value compared to brands like Typology or The Ordinary which highlight clinical studies with clean formulas and high-performance active ingredients, at very affordable prices? So the solution is to seek this legitimacy outside, in particular, we build up a board of specialists who will provide this famous guarantee.

And Dior has not done things by halves since the brand has brought together the greatest current researchers in fundamental sciences, with a specialist in each of the markers of aging; in the human sciences, with sociologists and psychologists specializing in the impact of age from a societal point of view; but also in floral science, with specialists in ethnobotany and in the science of appearance. With such an armada of experts, the next few months should be rich in discoveries.