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What Homeowners Need To Know About Kitchen Plumbing

As a homeowner, it’s vital to have basic knowledge about your kitchen’s plumbing. Fortunately, typical kitchen plumbing isn’t a thing to make you break a sweat since you can easily handle most with a little bit of know-how.

Kitchen plumbing includes straightforward tasks like turning off the water, reading the water meter, and understanding the water pressure and how to prevent sink clogging, among others. Understanding these basics will help you prevent property damage, determine the extent of the issue at hand, and whether or not to call professional plumbers.

Things To Know Before Fixing Your Kitchen Plumbing Issue

As stated, a homeowner or renter needs to understand some basics about kitchen plumbing. While most homeowners in Brighton may rely on Brighton plumbers, sometimes a plumbing issue calls for immediate action before the plumbers arrive. Among the things you should understand about your kitchen plumbing include the following:

1. Determining Water Pressure

Understanding household water pressure is vital when dealing with kitchen plumbing. Generally, the kitchen water pressure should not be over 80 pounds per square inch (psi), nor should it be under 40 psi. If the water pressure is under 40 psi, less water may release from your plumbing fixtures. Such a circumstance can interfere with how appliances such as washing and dishwashing machines perform. On the other hand, household water pressure that’s more than 80 psi is a severe issue since the pressure can burst the pipes and other kitchen plumbing fixtures, leading to flooding.

As a homeowner, you should always watch out for when the water pressure rises and falls and act accordingly. You can determine your kitchen’s water pressure by hooking a pressure gauge to a hose faucet. When reading the water pressure, do so when all the appliances and faucets aren’t running. If the water pressure is lower than required, consult a reputable plumber to determine the cause. However, if the pressure is higher than expected, switch off the water and call a plumber immediately.

2. Shutting Off The Water

As a homeowner, you should know how to switch the water off and on. It’s important to understand that the water accessing your home is pressurized enough to flow through corners and heights.

Due to the pressure, the water may flood your home in the event a kitchen plumbing malfunctions. That said, it’s vital to know where the shutoff switch is located and how to use it to prevent property water damage in the event of leakage.

The water shutoff valve can be located anywhere within your property. In some cases, the valve is located under the kitchen sink. If your home has a basement, you’ll likely find the shutoff valve at the front of the foundation wall.

Since water shutoff can be located in any area in your home, it’s crucial to find it after moving into a new house to avoid the last-minute rash.

3. Kitchen Plumbing Repair Isn’t Cheap

It takes tiny food particles to clog a kitchen’s drain, but it will require considerable money and time to repair the damage. For this reason, homeowners need to handle their drains with caution and not put anything that may damage it. If you notice leaks or clogs, consider hiring a plumber as soon as possible before the issue develops into a significant one that will be costly to correct.

4. Some Items Can Damage Kitchen Plumbing

Did you know that some items will not only clog your kitchen plumbing but can also damage the system? Coffee grounds, flosses, and eggshells can interfere with kitchen piping. If you think such items have accessed your kitchen sink, check the pipes before the worse happens. If DIY doesn’t work, call an expert to do the magic.

5. Your Dishwasher Can Cause Kitchen Plumbing Issues

When installing a dishwasher in your kitchen, it’s essential to have the job done by an experienced individual. Failure to perfectly level the dishwasher into the sink can prevent the water from draining from the appliance, making it leak on your kitchen floors. Also, a clogged dishwasher drain can cause clogged sinks. So ensure to check their drains now and then.

6. Harsh Chemicals Are Harmful To The Kitchen Plumbing

Every homeowner wants a sparkling clean kitchen free from stubborn stains. For this reason, they’re always ready to purchase cleaning detergents that ‘work miracles’ on tough stains. While these detergents leave the kitchen sparkling, they aren’t intelligent enough to differentiate between stains and piping. As a result, they work on the stains and interfere with the piping integrity, too. So it would be best to stay out of harsh cleaning solutions and stick to natural ones.


Kitchen plumbing is an essential aspect of a home. Therefore, every homeowner must know how it works to prevent issues that might arise. For example, understanding how and when to switch off the water valve and what should and shouldn’t access the sink can prevent flooding and clogging issues. Understanding kitchen plumbing can also help a homeowner understand when to call for help and when to handle plumbing issues themselves.