
The Ultimate Fashion Guide for the Modern Man

Fashion has been, for centuries, synonymous with female – ruling over and being ruled over by women, embodying their social and financial standing, lifestyle, status in the community, independence.

However, in the last decades, the fashion industry shone the spotlight on men, creating new trends and expectations on how a modern stylish man ought to dress and look.

With fashion gurus advocating different styles, and apparel brands designing new pieces each season, it’s so easy to get your head scratching on what the latest men’s fashion trends are. Different styles suit different personalities, but to help you save your time and energy when shopping for clothes, we’ve outlined several fashion classics that will never go out of style.

Invest in a Timeless Watch

With checking the time now being at our disposal thanks to smartphones, watches are past their sole use as time-tellers. They have evolved to become intimate, telltales of your lifestyle, taste, and affluence.

Yet, a watch ought to be practical, comfortable, and functional, though still, ooze aesthetics and flair.

Therefore, when deciding on a watch, think of it as an investment that will speak for you to business associates, clients, a romantic partner, or relatives at family gatherings.

A Custom-Tailored Suit

Life is too short for you to shun from indulging yourself, right? Therefore, get yourself a gift of a lifetime with a bespoke suit, tailored to complement your body, style, and personality.

Collars & Cuffs, a Dubai-based custom-made suits and accessories brand for men, has over 80 years of experience in choosing between over 5000 quality fabrics to design and tailor suits, tuxedos, shirts, jackets, ties, and other garments – intended just for you.

Whether you opt for a classic, business casual, or more sporty style, having a custom-tailored suit is a must for every contemporary man.

Blue Jeans, White Shirt

Lana Del Rey knows the perfect men’s outfit – it’s all about keeping it simple and minimal. Jeans are the classic clothing piece which is why a truly stylish man is the owner of one traditionally designed pair.

On the other hand, a modern man should refrain from buying T-shirts with prints, signs, lettering, etc. Oftentimes, more is less, and with sleek, minimalistic attire you’ll definitely look more professional, and dapper.

If you still want to add a bit of jazz to your outfit, add an accessory such as a watch, scarf, or sunglasses that will break the “monotony”.

Don’t Buy Shoes on a Shoestring Budget

A 2012 research Shoes as a source of first impressions suggested that “participants accurately judged the age, gender, income, and attachment anxiety of shoe owners based solely on the pictures.”

If you’re now wondering what your shabby sneakers tell about you – we feel you. So, what kind of shoes are fashionable and timeless?

First of all, they should be comfortable, long-lasting, with classic design and color, and made of quality materials. Expensive does not necessarily equal excellence, but opting for cheap definitely means choosing low quality.

Add a Pop of Color

Most guys get intimidated by apparel pieces that are not black, gray, or navy. However, a contemporary fashion-conscious man uses colors to really make his outfit stand out.

Vibrant colors such as pinks, greens, mustard, and brighter shades of blue are versatile year-round and will make you look modern and chic, but professional and classy at the same time.

The same mantra of ‘less is more’ applies to colors as well – be bold, but keep it to a single garment to achieve the maximal effect.

Be the Whole Package

We’ve discussed the classic pieces of menswear, but we kept the essential for the end – being a stylish man is all down to looking after your appearance.

Not every day will be your showstopping-outfit day, however, by caring about your overall looks and the state of your clothes, shoes, and accessories, you will be able to look clean and refined even with putting little effort into coming up with the perfect outfit for the day.

Men’s Classic Fashion Tips Wrap Up

Let’s recap the takeaways. Classic and timeless men’s fashion is all about keeping it simple, minimal, and clean. Whichever style you feel more comfortable with, remember that less is more – may it be in color, print, or accessories.

A contemporary stylish man possesses several crucial garments in his closet, and he is ready for all occasions, from a business meeting to an informal brunch, romantic date to a nature getaway.

At the end of the day, the most stylish man is the one who stays true to himself, his character, and desires, and even in following the latest fashion trends stays unique.