
How to Plan a Camping Trip With Friends

Going on a camping trip with friends is always fun. There’s a lot to do, and since everyone contributes to something, the cost is split around, making the entire trip reasonably cheap. So, a camping trip with your friends won’t cut a hole in your pocket. If you’re with the right group of people, you’re likely to have a good time enjoying everything a trip has to offer. The CDC suggests that camping without proper precautions can cause many diseases, from the surface, insects, and wild animals. However, people often tend to forget the rules and regulations for camping and get into unwanted situations. In this article, we’ll present a few tips for you to follow while planning a camping trip to make the entire experience better. These include:

● Choose the kind of trip you’re planning

Although this is a no-brainer, this is important when it comes to a camping trip. A camping trip isn’t just about living in tents and coming home; there’s a lot more to it. If you want a comfortable experience, you can book a resort with camping facilities. These resorts will provide you with all the resources you need, such as tents, campfires, and tools to camp. However, if you’re looking for a more personal experience, you can go to any national parks nearby. Here, you will have to do everything by yourself, which is technically more fun with friends. Think of all the things you can do on a trip, such as hiking, kayaking, rock climbing, etc. Look into camping sites, decide on things you want to do, and whether the campsite features them. Afterward, decide on your location.

● Make a tour plan

Now that you have the venue for the trip is decided to make a comprehensive tour plan. Decide on how many days you want to stay and the places you want to visit. You have to fit in as much stuff as you can within the time. Also, check the weather forecasts for the days of your trip before going out. This will help you stay safe and plan things ahead of time.

Furthermore, your tour plan should contain details on transport, food, and supplies. Make a comprehensive list of things and keep it somewhere visible to be cross-checked multiple times to make sure nothing is being missed.

● Decide on food

If you’re planning to go camping, overeating shouldn’t be the priority. It would be best if you prioritized a bunch of healthy, fulfilling meals to last you through the days of the trip. Since you have to pack everything from home, filling it smartly is a good idea. Buy easy-to-eat non-perishable meals that will provide you with a bit of energy. Since you’re traveling, don’t carry too much raw meat or proteins because they’re likely to spoil and waste. Also, if your camping spot has a ranch or farmers market nearby, you can buy produce from there as well. So, plan your food accordingly. Make room for a lot of cereal, oats, healthy meals, etc. for your benefit.

Furthermore, keep in mind that not everyone is used to the same kind of food; some people might be allergic to particular food and proteins that need to be held in check. Discuss with everyone about their allergies and then make a decision. Also, it is wise to avoid common allergic foods such as nuts, prawns, etc.

● Do the necessary shopping

Now that the list is ready, it’s time to buy everything you need. When it comes to camping, the most typical buys are tents, sleeping bags, camping towels, containers, camping lights, campfire tools, other small tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, etc.

Your list of products should be following the rest of your trip. If you’re going somewhere that’s extremely cold at night, buy a sleeping bag that will withstand the temperature. Again, purchase camping lights depending on the number of people going on the trip. Furthermore, camping towels should be your best friend when on a trip. They are significantly longer and more absorbent than regular towels, and they are straightforward to clean. The dirt doesn’t stay there for too long, and the fabric doesn’t get dirty very soon. So, they’re easy to manage as well. If you’re looking forward to getting some good camping towels before the trip, Towel Reviewer has a comprehensive guide on camping towels that you can check before making a purchase.

● Carefully read the campground rules

The campground you’re visiting will likely have some rules you’re bound to follow. These include laws on the reservation, number of tents and campers per camping spot, arrival times, alcohol and drug regulations, etc. Check the website and relevant information about the campsite and follow them to the tee. If you’re visiting a new region, the place likely has laws and regulations everyone must follow. Make sure you know these rules as well. Not complying with regulations can cause serious consequences.

● Make a first aid kit

Every trip you go to, a first aid kit is an absolute must. It’s wise to have all the medicines you need in one place, from band-aids and bandages to painkillers and conventional medication. This is something you must carry and make a few kits to lose your medicines during the trip.

● Pack your stuff

Now that everything is set in stone, it’s time to pack. It is advised that you don’t pack too much stuff in one place; this will make everything cluttered and hard to find. Instead, make a few bags and put everything based on priority. For example, things you need at the trip immediately or on the road, such as snacks, torchlights, small tools, etc. After you’re done packing, please make a list of what product is in which bag, so you don’t get lost finding them.


Exceptionally few trips can be as fun as going to camp with your friends. The thrill of nature, living in tents, sharing campfire stories, and whatnot. However, camping has a few rules that everyone must keep in check. We’ve mentioned some tips and tricks to make your camping experience better. We hope you find them useful.