DIY & Crafts

DIY Projects: 15 Creative ways to celebrate Earth Day

Celebrate Earth Day by enjoying nature and maybe a fun recycled craft.  What could be better than getting your hands a little dirty and greening your own home? While getting outside and planting a tree is probably the most popular way to celebrate, some people are handier with a glue gun than they are with a shovel. If you’re one of the former, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite DIY projects that use recycled and reclaimed materials. Find some great ideas with this list of great repurposed crafts, kid activities, easy gardening ideas!

Earth Day Cookies from Tammilee Tips

Make wizard sticks from To Swoon For

Make leaf animals from Look What I did with a Leaf book

How to Make a Terrarium
 from Country Living

Make a fairy garden with a bunch of plants all around from HomeDIT

DIY Nature Sculpture from Plum Pudding

Earth Day Crayons from FSPDT

Plant a succulent terrarium from Urban Succulents

Start seedlings indoors from Urban Cultivator

The Earth’s layers in a jar from Amanda Heikkinen

Soda Pop Bottle Bird Feeders from Creative Craft Nights

Recycling or Garbage earth friendly sorting game from No time for Flash Cards

Recycled Art with Up-cycled Materials from Timkerlab