Art & Architecture

Creative Ideas to Make a Greener Home

Nowadays, most people are aware of the importance of being environmentally conscious and living a green life. True environmental change starts with the individual, and by making amendments to the way we live our lives, we can work together to become a more eco-friendly society and make a positive difference. There are many ways to live a greener lifestyle, and it all starts with your home! The beauty of living this type of lifestyle is that it allows you to let nature flourish and grow in your own household. Here are a few ways to make a green home.

Make a kitchen garden

Another way to add a little bit of nature into your home is by making a kitchen garden. Whether you have a regular garden, a roof garden, balcony, or window box, you can grow your own vegetables, herbs, and fruit! Tomatoes, mint, and strawberries are all easy to cultivate.

As well, if you have enough space, one fun way of helping the environment is by keeping your own bees. Most crops need pollination to develop fruits, nuts and seeds. Pollination requires bees, but the amount of bees in the world has slowly been declining over the years, so by keeping bees in your garden or on your roof, you would be making a big difference to the environment. If that’s not enough of a reason, then think of the honey!

Green architecture

A new trend is developing in architecture that is about reinventing the integration of nature and urban space, with rooftop parks and green walls becoming part of an entire building. This trend is also getting a lot of attention in the online world, as several fascinating articles on this topic are appearing on sustainable architecture websites such as, particularly concerning rooftop gardens, green walls, and ‘smart’ buildings. These types of architectural modifications are not just aesthetically pleasing, but understandably also benefit the environment.

Be mindful of energy

One surefire way of living a more environmentally conscious life is by being mindful of your energy usage. If you are not using your computer, the television, or your kettle, then make sure it is switched off, and always turn the light off when you leave a room. If you are feeling inspired to live a truly green life, consider adding solar panels to your home. Installing solar panels will significantly reduce your carbon footprint. By making simple changes like this to your home and the way you live your life, the planet will love you. What’s more, environmentally friendly architecture has a unique style that will make your home look ultra-chic and modern.