
6 Handy Packing and Unpacking Tips for a Stress-Free Moving Day

The only thing that’s more tedious than packing your things before moving is unpacking them once you arrive at your new home. However, if you organize your things in a way that’s logical to you, your moving process will go much more smoothly. Read on if you want to learn how these 6 handy tips can help you pack and unpack stress-free.

Tips for an Easier Packing Process

You can’t have a stress-free unpacking process without taking some time to pack properly. If you don’t organize your boxes in a logical way, you’ll find it hard to see which box contains which items. Therefore, you’ll spend more time moving your boxes from room to room and may get annoyed at how slowly the unpacking process is going. These three tips will help you pack quickly, but not haphazardly.

Color Code Your Moving Boxes

Color coding your moving boxes is a great way to keep track of where certain items are. Although it takes up some additional time while packing, color coding will come in handy when it’s time for you to unpack. You don’t have to have an elaborate plan with loads of colors, either. Four colors for each area of your home will do just fine.

For example, you can put blue stickers on boxes you pack your bathroom items in, green ones on boxes with items from your bedroom, and so on. However, if you have the time and extra stickers, you can also have a color for clothes, fragile items, or essentials.

Separate Items by Room and Purpose

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when packing. In order to avoid extra labor, many pack items that shouldn’t be in the same box together. Although that may make the packing process quicker, it will certainly lead to complications during unpacking. The best way to pack is to sort your items by room first and then by their purpose.

For instance, pack the clothing that’s in your closet together. However, if you have extra space in the box, don’t add in your children’s clothes. Instead, put decoration, plant pots, and miscellaneous items from your room in the box your clothes are in. By doing so, you will avoid moving the boxes from room to room while unpacking.

Only Pack Items You Actually Use

Once you start the packing process, it may surprise you how many useless items you’ve accumulated over the years. In a hurry, you may even pack them among the items you actually use. However, if you want both the packing and the unpacking process to be quick and easy, you should rethink which items you’re keeping.

Nowadays, there are a lot of simple ways to get rid of unwanted items. Depending on how much junk you have, you can hire a junk removal company for as little as $100. They will come to your home, pick up unwanted items, and get rid of them, so you won’t have to waste your time while packing.

Tips for an Efficient Unpacking Process

Although packing can be stressful, the real hard part of the moving process starts once you move into your new home. With so many boxes to unpack, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. These three tips can help you stay composed while unpacking.

Unpack the Essentials First

It’s smart to have a few boxes where you packed essential items you may need as soon as you move in. These boxes can include an all-purpose cleaner, toilet paper, hand soap, medication, phone charger, snacks, and beverages. Put the essentials boxes on top of other boxes so you can access them easily.

Unpacking your essentials first will make you less stressed about the unpacking process. You’ll be able to clean up, eat, and have a cup of coffee without having to sort through moving boxes looking for items you need. Once you eat and freshen up a little, you can start unpacking without unnecessary stress.

Give Yourself a Realistic Deadline

Unpacking can drag on for weeks. The longer you delay it, the more stress it will cause you. If you want the unpacking process to be stress-free, you should ideally start unpacking the day you move in.

Still, you may be too tired to do so and only manage to unpack a few boxes before going to bed. If that happens, don’t beat yourself up. However, don’t give yourself too much leeway either. You don’t want to use an unpacked box as a coffee table weeks after you’ve moved.

The best way to stop delaying your unpacking is to set a deadline that will keep you accountable. Schedule a housewarming party or a small get-together with your friends in a week or so after you move in. If you have plans, you won’t have a choice but to start unpacking and decorating your new home.

Start With Your Kitchen, then Move on to the Bedrooms and Bathrooms

There are three reasons to unpack your kitchen items before moving on to other rooms. Firstly, you need to plug in your fridge and oven, so you have a place to store and cook your food.

Secondly, you’ll likely have some food you didn’t get to eat before moving. The sooner you eat it or put it in your fridge, the less chance it will go bad. And lastly, items such as cups, mugs, and plates can be quite fragile. If you keep them in a moving box longer than necessary, they may get damaged or break.

If you don’t have the time to organize your kitchen immediately, only unbox food, fragile items, and pots and pans you’ll need for cooking. You can concentrate on cleaning and organizing once you unpack your clothes and bathroom toiletries.

In Conclusion

If you want to unpack quickly and easily, you have to pack in a way that will allow you to do so. Color coding your boxes is always a smart idea. Additionally, unpack fragile items and things you need on a day-to-day basis first. Doing so will allow you to proceed with the unpacking free of stress and tension.