
You’re Pregnant! 4 Exciting Things To Plan And Organize

If you’ve recently found out you are pregnant, you are probably overwhelmed with excitement about the arrival of your beautiful baby!

Although it’s only 9 months away, time can drag, so it’s a good idea to spend this period arranging the many things you want to do before your baby gets here. Here are 4 exciting things to plan and organize when pregnant.

Announcing your pregnancy

Take some time to think about how you want to announce your pregnancy to friends and family. You will find loads of great suggestions online that will give you some lovely ideas.

Many people prefer to tell close family members first and then announce it to everyone else after the first trimester. Social media is the perfect way to get the word out and create a bit of excitement amongst your friends and followers. Whatever you decide to do, make it count. It’s a lovely way to create a memory that will last a lifetime.

Choosing a name

One of the lovely things about being pregnant is spending time with your partner discussing baby name ideas. Whether you want something more traditional or prefer something more unique, you should spend a fair bit of time mulling it over.

There are lots of online resources that will help with name ideas, many of which will also give you info about name origins and their meanings. If you don’t intend to find out the gender of your baby, it’s a good idea to have a name agreed for both girl and boy.

Gender reveal

If you decide to find out the gender of your baby, why not make it a surprise to be shared and host a baby gender reveal? From balloons filled with pink or blue confetti to cakes made with gender colored icing, there are lots of fun and exciting things you can do to make it just a little bit more special. Many scanning centers will write down the gender of your baby on a piece of paper, which you can then pass to whoever is creating your reveal item.

Make sure you ask someone to take photos or videos when your announcement takes place. Having a memory of your reaction will be priceless in years to come.

Go baby shopping

If this is your first baby, you might be shocked when you realize how much stuff they need. It’s a good idea to make a list and tick things off as you buy them.

Although you might want everything new for your baby, it can be costly, so if friends and family offer you second-hand items, don’t be too quick to refuse. Larger items such as prams, changing tables, and bouncy chairs can all cost a lot of money, so be realistic about what you can afford.

Baby clothes, in particular, are exceptionally cute these days, so one of the biggest hurdles you might encounter when baby shopping is having the willpower to stop spending!

Being pregnant is one of the most beautiful times in a woman’s life. Seeing the miracle of life happening inside you is something truly magical. Nevertheless, there are a few things that come with pregnancy that might affect your body negatively. Have you ever heard of diastasis recti? If you haven’t then one of the most important questions you should be asking towards the end of your pregnancy is what is diastasis recti. Diastasis recti are the separation of the abdominal muscles which can become very painful. Luckily there are several ways to prevent it and also treat it after it happens.