Why Visit a Cosmetic Dentist?

Your smile is the main focus of the face, therefore it is important to keep it clean and attractive looking. People with damaged, crooked, or discoloured teeth may suffer from lower self-esteem, and can even have reduced eating and speaking capabilities. Cosmetic dentists are able to give you a picture perfect smile regardless of the condition of your teeth when you visit, and can help restore your confidence as well as live a better quality of life. There are many reasons why people choose to use the expertise of a cosmetic dentist, and the most pertinent are discussed below.

Tooth Whitening

Everybody wants whiter, brighter teeth. That being said it has been proven that having it done professionally by a cosmetic dentist is far safer and superior to any do it yourself methods. Tooth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure, and cosmetic dentists offer a wide variety of treatment methods, including in office and take home kits.

Straighter Teeth

Misaligned and crooked teeth are quite common in people, however not everyone wishes or needs to opt for traditional braces as a solution. By visiting a cosmetic dentist you will be provided with other alternatives, including clear braces and porcelain veneers to straighten the teeth without the pain and discomfort as well as unappealing look of metal braces from the orthodontist.

Replacement of Missing Teeth

People lose teeth for a variety of reasons, but it’s not necessary to have gaps in your smile or deal with the inconvenience of missing teeth. Cosmetic dentists use a variety of techniques to replace missing teeth, including crowns, dentures, dental implants and bridges to make your smile complete and beautiful again.

Correction and Restoration of Damaged Teeth

Teeth, with age can become chipped, discoloured, cracked and suffer all sorts of other kinds of damage. A good cosmetic dentist can help to reverse the effects of years of wear and tear on your teeth by using techniques such as porcelain veneers and bonding to cover the damage, giving your teeth that perfect look again.

Even the most of severe damage caused by tooth decay and broken teeth can be repaired using a natural looking crown that will provide the necessary support and looks attractive and natural.

Lengthening of Small Teeth

Some people have small teeth and it makes them feel self-conscious. Cosmetic dentistry is the solution to this concern because they are able to bond dental veneers directly to the surface of the tooth, elongating it. Your dentist will help you decide what length, shape and colour will best suit you for a natural and attractive looking appearance.

Tooth Reshaping

Some people are dissatisfied with the shape of their teeth. A cosmetic dentist can help with that, whether they are too pointed, or are oddly shaped. Tooth reshaping can make the tooth appear more attractive, and porcelain veneers are often used, as an easy and effective method of changing the tooth’s appearance.

Cosmetic dentist enables patients to have literally the smile of their dreams. Their modern approaches and carefully researched techniques offer a variety of options and solutions for those looking for both drastic and minor changes to their teeth.

Whether it is a subtle change such as whitening the teeth, or a complete overhaul including porcelain veneers, cosmetic dentistry allows its patients to have confidence in their appearance, and not be held back to the discomfort or embarrassment of teeth in poor condition. Regardless of your reasons for needing cosmetic dentistry, the result is the same – the right cosmetic dentist can change not only the way you feel about your smile, but the way others feel about it as well.