
Who Were the Big Winners This Halloween?

Halloween is a time that most people in Australia will be donning a costume for. This is where we find out who’s a creative genius and who’s a creative that “needs more work”. We all have those friends who nail it. Every. Time. They nail the theme and then they put together an incredible costume to match. Then there’s the costumes that really shouldn’t even be out there. The type that make you go “What were the thinking??”. 2017 was no exception.

We take a look at the best and worst Halloween costumes that were available (or on show) this year.


  1. Eleven from Stranger Things

It’s current and it’s totally on trend. With the new season launching at the same time the whole country was “Stranger Things” Crazy. A lot of celebrity couples mixed it up with the male’s dress as Eleven and the females going as one of the kids which seemed to go down really well in the world of Social Media.

2. Wonder Woman

Yes, yes, and yes to celebrating strong warrior women. Children and grown-ups alike channeled their inner Princess Diana of the Amazons. We loved the movie and we love the costume. And who doesn’t love dressing up as an iconic superhero – man and woman alike?

3. Unicorn

It’s been a year of The Unicorn and Halloween was no exception. Even Channing Tatum was snapped in his mystical creature costume! After all, in a world full of sheep, be a unicorn. This seems to be a trending thought, with Unicorn Frappuccino, Unicorn make-up, in fact, Unicorn everything being such a big thing this year.


  1. Anne Frank
    We can’t believe we actually saw this advertised. Very poor taste indeed. Thankfully it was removed quickly however it’s still being sold on some sites under ‘World War Two evacuee girl costume’.

  1. Cozy Goldfish
    That’s right folks there is a dress which makes you look (and feel) like a goldfish. We think it’s more weird than cute and sexy. They may be going for a Finding Nemo look but even then, Disney/Pixar and Sexy shouldn’t really be in the same sentence. I guess the only thing going for this is the chance to forget everything every 10 secs?
  2. ‘Sexy’ fidget spinner
    Every year someone finds something silly and adds the word ‘sexy’ to it for Halloween. This year was the sexy fidget spinner. We thought Halloween was supposed to be scary? Hopefully you didn’t see too many of these at your Halloween party. Although, done in a fun way (definitely not sexy), this has the opportunity to be a cute costume – especially for kids.

Article provided by Blossom Costumes