
Using a Learning Management System to Get Ahead at Work

Nothing is worse than the feeling that you are in a dead-end job with nowhere to go. Sometimes this is the because of the organization you are a part of, but other times it is because you need to know more to grow.

The problem is often that the only person who can motivate you to be better is you. Others can offer you opportunities, but you need to take them. Most employers value their staff and want individuals to move forward if they have that desire. Many offer a variety of training programs through learning management systems. These often include educational courses in addition to company specific curriculum. The key is taking advantage of them.

A learning management system, or LMS, is, in effect, a software-based training system. Depending on how your employer has it set up, it probably contains classes that are specific to your position, your team, or even you as an individual. You can often ask to take courses beyond your current job scope, especially if you are looking to move elsewhere within the company. Here are some ways you can leverage your company’s learning management system to get ahead at work.

Getting Better at What You Do

A big part of getting ahead at work is being really great at what you do now. Of course, in any industry, things are constantly changing. From government regulations to software improvements, there is always something new to learn, and chances are these are a part of your company’s learning management system, or you can request that it be added.

Remember, in this area, you and your company are on the same page: they want you to be good at what you do, and the better you are, the more valuable you are to the organization. This means raises, consideration for new positions, and a good reputation with your coworkers and clients.

Use your LMS to get better at what you are doing now, and you will be more likely to get ahead.

Degree or No Degree

While getting a college degree has some distinct advantages in the workplace, often you end up with a degree different than the job you actually do, or your degree may become somewhat outdated over time. In other cases, you may not even have a degree at all, but have the type of experience that earned you the job anyway.

In those cases, it is especially important to use a learning management system, or other training and educational opportunities, to prove a couple of different things to your employer that will help you get ahead at work.

  • Your ability to learn: One thing a degree does is show that you will see something through and finish it, while also demonstrating your ability to learn. A more recent course through the LMS shows that you still retain that teachability.
  • Your commitment to learning: A company is only as good as those who work for it, and your dedication to make the company a better place is illustrated by your desire to learn.
  • Your ability to apply knowledge: When education causes you to make changes in how you do things and also suggest larger changes, you not only illustrate its value, but you also show your ability to apply what you learn to real world situations.

All of these things make for a good employee, one who wants to get ahead.

Bucking for Promotion

Sometimes advancing in your own job has reached a point where you can’t go any further without a promotion. Whether that means managing products or people, you will need to add some skills in order to be successful.

Just as you should dress for the job you want, you should also learn for the job you want before you even apply for it. Leadership courses, special management courses, and other training programs can prepare you for leadership and management, even as you continue in your current position.

Getting ahead with courses not only gives you the knowledge you need, it shows your company that you are serious about wanting to get promoted. You’ll be an even more attractive candidate. and

Transitioning to a New Position

If you are bored in your current position or have gone as far as you can, you might want to consider a transition to another position. This often means that you need to gain some new skills and knowledge. Even a lateral move can entail the need for some education.

Just like bucking for a promotion, you need to learn for the job you want, not just the one you have. This means taking courses that will cultivate and teach you what you need to know to make the transition from where you are now to your desired position.

For instance, if you are a web developer but want to move into marketing, some of your skills will transfer and make you a more valuable marketer, but there are other things you won’t know that will help you reach customers and target audiences. While they are not hard to learn, you will need to develop a background.

An LMS can help you do that through courses, and even taking the training program the marketing department does when they are initially hired. This puts you one step ahead of others who might apply for the position you are seeking, and it makes it easier for you to get ahead.

Becoming an Indispensable Asset

The more you know, the more skills you have and the greater number of positions you can fill in the company, the more valuable you are. While anyone can technically be replaced, some people are much more difficult to replace than others. To get ahead, you want to be one of the latter.

How do you know more and become that indispensable asset? You need to expand your knowledge base. The more well-rounded your training is, the better your ability to work in a broader capacity. The more valuable you are in this way, the greater your chances of getting ahead at work.

A learning management system is one of the most underused, but indispensable assets, your employer can offer you. Take full advantage of it to get better at what you do, prove your teachability, advance towards a promotion, or even move to a new position. Increasing your education makes it much easier for you to get where you want to go in your company and your career.