
Triangle Bikinis As The The Most Fashionable Trend This Summer

Do you know the origin of bikinis? It is said that its appearance was closely linked to the liberation of women. Its impact on the population has even been compared to that caused by the creation of the miniskirt. Two controversial and transgressive pieces are here to stay. However, since its popularity was not always on the rise and its use varied according to the years, we want to briefly tell you the story that surrounds the bikini.

  • We go back to 1600 BC to talk about the first women to wear two-piece bathing suits while playing sports. It happened in Sicily. In 1946, the engineer Louis Réard wanted to free the woman by questioning the bikini again, although his initiative was not widely supported.
  • The 40s: At this time the apron aesthetic prevailed and swimwear weighed twice as much when wet, as it was made with materials such as linen or cotton. Little by little, the first two pieces began to appear. Its popularity was hurt when actress and swimmer Esther Williams refused to wear one of the designs.
  • The 50s: The French Côte d’Azur becomes one of the most frequented destinations by movie stars and actress  Brigitte Bardot in the spotlight for wearing one of these pieces in La Chica del Bikini. In the cinema, some actresses confessed to “feeling naked” when wearing a bikini.
  • The 60s: The bikini is understood, in the 60s, for the first time, as an essential in every woman’s wardrobe. It was then that it was decided to make them with nylon, to achieve a better adaptation to the woman’s silhouette. 
  • The 70s: Bikinis begin to reduce in size and crochet becomes a popular fabric in designs. 
  • The 80s: The sporty aesthetic marked a before and after in swimwear. The videos of Jane Fonda and, with them, aerobics, leg warmers, and sports mayas caused a sensation. So much so, that the bikinis were worn above the hips, revealing the worked legs. 
  • The 90s: Everyone started talking about series like The Baywatch or 90210, California. Characters such as  Pamela Anderson or  Annalynne Mccord emerged as authentic style references.

Now dive into the selection of trendy triangle bikinis that we have made. If you thought that swimwear could not influence street style, how wrong you were. In recent months, we have experienced a small creative revolution in the industry – which was enhanced with the appearance of the pandemic – in which any stylistic combination is allowed. There is only one rule: be true to yourself. And in that we are experts. Therefore, today we come with a selection of triangle bikinis that are as special as the one you will see.

















