
Top Tips for Buying Luxury Dresses on a Budget

Flipping through the latest issue of Vogue may leave you with a wish list longer than your arm, but the fact is, most of us simply don’t have the bank balance to buy the designer pieces we lust after. Big on style but low on cash? Don’t worry! It is possible to create a luxury look without breaking the bank.

Here are our top tips for buying luxury dresses on a budget, and looking high-end wherever you go:

  • Focus on fabric
    If you want your outfit to look expensive, then one of the best things you can do is seek out fabrics with a luxe look nad feel. Vibrant patterns and cheap, flimsy fibers are an instant giveaway that a piece is inexpensive.

  • We love this silk slip midi dress from SilkFred which looks considerably more expensive than its price tag, thanks to the high-end material used. Look for timeless pieces in classic colours that you can wear over and over again.
  • Buy out of Season
    Most stores and websites have limited warehouse space, so they reduce prices to clear out inventory. Summer clothes are often reduced in the Autumn, for example, whilst winter woolies are a steal in the s Take advantage of this.Now is the perfect time of year to buy party dresses: make the most of leftover Christmas stock and pick up the fun, sequinned, or embellished party dresses at a fraction of their full price.
  • Clothes Swap!
    Sick of your wardrobe, or fed up of wearing the same old pieces over and over again? If you don’t have the money to shop then why not host a clothes swap party instead!Gather together a gang of your most stylish friends and each bring along some unwanted (but good quality) clothes from your wardrobe. For every piece someone brings along, they get to take a piece home. It’s an easy way to have fun with your friends, and refresh your wardrobe, without spending a penny.
  • Mix Classics with Fashion-Focused Pieces
    A good, luxury wardrobe should be made up of a higher percentage of classic pieces than fashion-focused pieces. Aim for a 60/40 percent split. When you’re shopping, try to invest in an equal balance of classics and trend-led dresses, and mix these pieces to create a high-end look.

  • We love this green leopard print dress, which is the perfect fashion-focused piece for pairing with classic black boots and your favourite leather jacket.
  • Know Yourself
    Finally, the best way to ensure that your wardrobe looks luxe and glamorous, no matter what you’re wearing, is to only wear pieces that make you feel confident. This means knowing yourself, and your own unique sense of style, before you hit the shops. If you’re happy in yourself you’re ten times more likely to rock any outfit you put together.If money was no object, how would you dress? Keep that image in mind whenever you shop. With that vision in mind, looking for luxury dresses on a budget is much easier than you might think.