
Top 3 Careers That Let You See the World for Free

When you love to travel, coming back to your day job after an amazing vacation can feel boring and underwhelming. But what if you combine your occupation with travel? Consider these three careers that let you see the world for free while earning an income.

1. English Teacher Abroad

By teaching English abroad, you can mix travel and work together. Many places around the globe are desperate for good teachers to work at all grade levels starting from kindergarten to graduate school. For instance, one website that lists jobs for registered members has posts from more than 60 countries looking for English teachers.

English is considered the most spoken language, so it is not surprising to see more people interested in mastering it. Today, an estimated one out of four people are learning English around the world. In China alone, about 300 million people are trying to learn the language. This means that teachers are in high demand overseas, especially in China.

To become a teacher abroad, you will need a minimum of an English degree, and you must be fluent in the language. An English major typically covers everything from critical analysis to creative fiction. Most employers will want you to have at least have a bachelor’s degree but having a master’s or higher degree will not hurt.

Although every job will have different requirements, they tend to have a few things in common. In addition to requiring a degree, they may want you to have an ESL certificate, such as the TEFL or Teaching English as a Foreign Language certificate.

2. Flight Attendant

Flight attendants get to see a different place on a daily basis. Not only will you travel the world as a part of your job, you can also fly for free or at a lower cost on your airline during your off-time. In addition, your partner or children or parents can take advantage of this benefit because you work for an airline.

Imagine going to Paris and Rome as part of your job, and it is easy to see the appeal of being a flight attendant. Surprisingly, flight attendants also have flexible schedules, with most working about 65 to 95 hours a month. This is because flying takes a toll on the body, so they need to rest. In addition, you will get free meals and housing as part of your job.

Becoming a flight attendant is usually easier because it only requires having a high school diploma or GED. You will also need to be in good health because the job can be stressful. Most airlines will provide training, which lasts about three to six weeks after you are hired. Additionally, you must pass the Certificate of Demonstrated Proficiency from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to work as a flight attendant.

3. Geologist

When you think of careers that provide free travel, geology may not be at the top of your list, but you should consider it. Geologists can work in a variety of fields such as construction or energy. Those who work in environmental protection and related areas also have to travel frequently. Geologists study the Earth by focusing on what the planet is made of and rocks.

From building a highway to studying volcanoes, geologists fulfill many roles. Not only can you get paid to travel to different parts of the world, but you will also be able to study them. The amount of travel will vary depending on your employer, but almost all geologists spend time away from home that requires exploration.

Many geologists work for industries, such as oil or gas, so they must travel to different sites for their jobs. They may often spend more time abroad than at home as they look for natural resources or evaluate conditions. This is also a career that is in demand because there are more job openings than people to fill them. If you want to pursue a higher salary position, consider becoming a geologist.

To become a geologist, you will need a degree in geology. You may also get one in geoscience. Most geologists have at least a bachelor’s degree, but you may find more job opportunities with a master’s degree or doctorate. Finding the right job will determine how much you travel. You may want to join an organization, such as the Geological Society of America, because becoming a paid member will help you network to find more jobs.

English teachers abroad, as well as flight attendants and geologists, have the ability to work and travel at the same time. They get the benefit of being in a new place and earning money at the same time. If you are interested in combining your love for travel with a new job, consider these three careers.