
Tips for Wearing Shorts in the Office

With summer coming up soon, now is an excellent time to go through your wardrobe and think about what you want to clear out to make room for some new trendy and timeless pieces. In particular, you may want to invest in some fun, fresh shorts.

These items tend to be a staple for most of us each summer and can even be worn to work. It pays to know how to achieve the right look when you do want to wear shorts at the office, though.

Choose Appropriate Material

When choosing the ideal women’s shorts to wear to the office, the first step is to get the material spot on. You want to focus on luxe options that will look more expensive and give you enough of a professional edge to be appropriate for the workday. It’s best to steer clear of soft cotton shorts since this material tends to crease and bunch up easily, meaning you can soon look less than polished.

Instead, stick with sturdy cotton that won’t cling too much to your skin. Alternatively, consider nicely-lined lace, crepe, or satin shorts. It often helps to find sophisticated shorts options such as plaid or tweed, too. Or you might like to go for some luxe leather shorts or some leopard print ones for a trendy offering that works for the office.

Don’t Go Too Short

Another tip is not to go too short with your product choices. You don’t want to show too much skin in the workplace or be too worried about bending over or otherwise moving about as necessary during the day, in case you give co-workers or clients too much of a view.

There’s no hard and fast rule about the ideal length, but it’s best to stick with options close to your knees or, if you work in a relaxed office or perhaps a more creative field, you could go up to mid-thigh at the most. For many companies, a Bermuda length is seen as the optimal choice. In pretty much all cases, though, don’t even think about wearing garments that are short cut-offs or show any amount of booty.

Opt for More Tailored Products

You can ensure your shorts are dressy enough for the office if you select more tailored products. Avoid casual, sloppy types of cuts that are more suited to kicking a football around the park, going for a run, or chilling out at home. Instead, look for polished tailored silhouettes that are streamlined and neat. You don’t want anything too baggy, as this is too casual, while at the same time, figure-hugging options aren’t appropriate. An in-between straight cut should keep both you and your colleagues comfortable.

Add Layers to Your Outfits

A big part of getting the right look for work when you want to wear shorts is selecting suitable pieces to go with the bottoms you choose. For example, it pays to style your shorts with a long-line vest or a fitted blazer to elevate what could otherwise be too casual an outfit.

You might like to purchase some coordinated, matching items whereby you have a whole ensemble made of the same material. In 2022, short-suit combinations are incredibly on-trend, especially when the pieces match, so don’t be afraid to go down this path. You can break up the look by wearing a simple white or black tee, for instance, under the blazer if you’d like.

Pair Shorts with Covered Rather Than Open-Toed Shoes

Footwear is another vital component of your overall fashion for the office. While you can wear some pretty, strappy sandals or fun peep toes or slingbacks in summer with your shorts if you’d like, you may find that an office with stricter dress codes will appreciate you choosing covered shoes instead. Pairing simple pumps, for instance, with shorts will ensure you look classy enough for the office and that your outfit can take you effectively to night events, such as drinks after work or dinner with clients.

Dress Things Up with Accessories

Don’t forget to think carefully about which accessories you’ll wear, too. Items such as scarves, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, belts, handbags, and the like can be a gamechanger to ensure you look impeccable when you arrive at the office. Pick some polished statement pieces that will pull your whole look together, make you look dressier, and show that you’ve taken plenty of care with your entire outfit.

Shorts aren’t a no-no for the workplace, but you do need to select products wisely and think about your entire style from head to toe when getting dressed. Follow the above tips to help you avoid any dilemmas that might cause office issues for you.