
The perfume trend that everyone wants to try now: “Make yourself irresistible”

A perfume that makes everyone around you fall head over heels for you because you smell so amazing – yes thank you, say thousands of people on social media.
The latest trend in perfumery is pheromone perfumes, which are supposed to mix with your body’s chemistry to make you smell better than ever.
“It rained men of all ages,” writes one person on Tiktok – but opinions about the effects differ.


Can perfume make someone fall in love with you? Hmm, it probably needs a little more than that, but a really inviting scent can clearly make people around you open their eyes to you.

Maybe that’s why one of the big trends on the social media app Tiktok is so-called pheromone perfumes. The hashtag “pheromone perfume” has over 100 million views on thousands of different videos, where different people test the special perfumes that are said to work wonders.

The perfumer’s answer about the trend

When the perfumer tests the oil, they note that it is a fruity scent with hints of musk. Among the comments, others share their experiences with the perfume oil.

There seems to be some evidence to support that certain pheromones in perfumes can increase attraction, but other studies suggest that the effect perfume has on attraction depends entirely on the situation. Making an impression with your perfume says something about you as a person.