The Forgotten List Of Household Tasks For New Homeowners

Moving into your own home is a part of every Australian’s dream. Moving into the home is a dream come true, however there is a process that every homeowner should go through to ensure that the transition and the experience is everything that they want it to be. There are the common tasks such as undergoing a building and pest inspection, and a general inspection of the property, however there are things that can easily be overlooked. We suggest that you consider doing the following tasks to ensure that you don’t get any unwanted surprises when you move into your new home.

Ensure that your home is in a good reception area.

Something that is often overlooked during the home inspection phase is whether or not the property will receive ideal reception for both television and radio. Sometimes, the reception is affected by natural or building obstructions in the area. This may mean your property could require a customised solution. For properties that are located in Victoria, they can consider specialist businesses in aerial installation based in Melbourne that can aid them with their reception needs.

Check that the property isn’t located in an area that is subject to natural disasters.

In Australia, several properties are in risk zones that can affect their insurance policies and could also pose a threat to their homes. Be sure to research the area for any fire or flooding risks in the area. In Australia, there are areas that will be subject to annual bushfire activities which could see your property potentially receive damage or even cause homeowners to become subject to smoke inhalation. In terms of flooding, Australia isn’t a nation renowned for regular rainfall, however when the rain does come, some areas may have floodwaters rise quickly. It is important to know the flooding areas that your property is located in and what potential risks and impacts could occur should your property become subject to flooding.

Check for any potential disturbances in the area.

Unfortunately, this is something that you don’t usually notice until you move into your property. Find out about any potential disturbances in the area such as noisy neighbours or pets. The best course of action to take is to take a walk around the area and speak to the locals to ask them if they have observed any unusual activity with their neighbours such as:

  • Any neighbours that play loud music.
  • Any neighbours that engage in aggravated or violent activity.
  • Any dogs, cats or birds that cause noise nuisances in the area.
  • Learn whether the area is subject to power or water shortages.

Check the reputation of the area.

The area may seem like it is a fine area on the outside, but make sure you delve a little deeper to find out the reputation of the area in terms of safety. Are the roads safe in the area? Is there a strong workforce? Or is there a large population of the community on benefits? Also, have you noticed if there are any alcoholic or drug use issues in the area? How about crime rates? Are they low or high? Do the research and be sure that the area is one that you will be happy in.

Are pets allowed in the property that you will be moving into?

If you are a pet lover, then you will want to make sure that the property that you are moving into is pet friendly and will allow you to keep pets within the property. The last thing you want is to leave your beloved cat or dog in a pen.

Check that the area is clean.

Check that your property and the area that it is in are kept clean. The last thing you want is for your property to look untidy and to attract unwanted pests into your home.

These are a few tasks that new homeowners should consider during the purchase of their property to ensure that there is a smooth transition when moving into your dream home.