
Steps To Take Before Calling Residential Heating System Repair In Longmont, CO

Heating system problems have the tendency to occur at the most inopportune time. If it is cold outside, then you will need to call for residential Longmont furnace repair service. Technicians are here to help you. However, there are things that you can check before you call in a professional.


Most heating system problems are caused by the filters. It is easy for you to see if the filter has a problem. Filters are designed to remove the debris from the air. That is why they can get dirty and clogged over time. A dirty filter can put a lot of pressure on your system. If you have a newer model, then the system will shut down if there is too much pressure in the system.

This is a sign that your filter needs to be changed. Keep in mind that most air filters will need to be changed every 30 days. You will be able to keep your heating system working properly by changing the filter.


This may seem like an obvious tip, but you should check your thermostat if your heating system is having a problem. Many people think that something is wrong with their heating system, but the thermostat is the problem. You will need to make sure that the thermostat is set to heat. In many cases, problems occur because this heating system is on the wrong setting.

You will also need to adjust the temperature so that the air will be able to circulate freely.

Circuit Breaker

A tripped circuit breaker is often the culprit behind heating issues. A circuit breaker will trip if it can no longer cope with the demands that are being put on it. You will need to find your circuit breaker and make sure that it is on the right setting. Heating systems have a switch that looks a lot like a regular light switch. Before you call Residential Heating System Repair in Longmont, Colorado, you will need to make sure that the switch is turned on.

Furnace Codes

If you have a furnace that was built prior to the 1990s, then it likely has a small window with an indicator light. The lights will begin to flash if something goes wrong. You should try to find what is wrong so that you can decide whether you will need to call a professional.

Heating issues can be a nuisance and an inconvenience. You need your heat to stay comfortable during the winter months. The good news is that your heating problems do not have to last forever. If you tried all of the aforementioned troubleshooting tips, then it is time to call a professional.

Swan Heating & Air Conditioning can help take care of all of your heating issues. You will need to call today to schedule an appointment. You can also visit the company’s website. You will be able to find information about the company’s products and services.