
Simple Bill-Busting Tips for Homeowners To Save Electricity

As much as you’d like it to be, electricity isn’t free.

While paying your bills is an unavoidable part of life, one thing you can do to make it less unpleasant when the bill rolls around each month is monitor your energy usage to keep the cost down.

You may be surprised to learn some of the ways in which energy in your home is being wasted. But fear not, with a point in the right direction it is easy to save electricity, and work towards a greener, more efficient home.

If this is something which you are looking to do, then read on for some of the best cost-saving techniques you can use at home.

Turn the water heater down

Your water heater is one of the main culprits when it comes to guzzling energy, as it is constantly working to stay close to the set temperature, even when you aren’t running the hot water.

Turning it down a couple of degrees is a great first step to reducing energy costs, and you are unlikely to notice the difference!

Give your radiators some care

One of the things that could be standing between you and super cheap utility bills are your radiators.

In order to get them functioning to their full potential, it is important that you bleed your radiators regularly. This will reduce the amount of wasted energy on heating rooms which aren’t getting warm.

If you are still having problems, it might be time to upgrade your bathroom radiators. Modern heating systems are much more energy efficient than older versions.

Unplug Electrical Devices Which Are Not In Use

It is easy to forget that a device still uses energy when left on standby, but it is true.

The Energy Saving Trust estimates that an average household will spend up to £80 per year powering appliances left on standby and not in use, as well as adding to your carbon footprint.

Make a habit of flicking off the switch, or unplugging a device such as the TV or the computer once you have finished using it. This will mean that you can live with a lighter conscience as well as heavier pockets!

Washing at 30

For an average load of laundry, washing at 30ºC rather than 40ºC is plenty enough to get your clothes clean and smelling fresh.

While you may be used to washing at a higher temperature, most modern washing machines have the capacity of getting stains out on a lower temperature.  An added benefit of this is that it can save you considerable amounts of money on your energy bill.

Reading this article has hopefully opened your eyes to a few of the easy electricity saving tips you can utilise to prevent overspending on your bills. This will free up more cash for you to start spending on yourself or your loved ones, and reduce your carbon footprint on the world!