
Signs that you are sleeping way too little

No, it’s not the whole world to sleep too little now and then. It’s perfectly normal and something we all do. On the other hand, not sleeping enough for a long period is not good at all as it can lead to several inconveniences… Here we list seven signs that you are sleeping way too little!


1. Your mood fluctuates

When you are sleep deprived, the body reacts by becoming sluggish and the bud by becoming more sensitive. Do you sometimes feel like you overreact to everyday things? It could be because you need more sleep…

2. Your complexion is bad

During the night, the skin needs time to repair damaged cells. Lack of sleep can also harm hormone balance and collagen production. Something that can cause both acne and wrinkles.

3. You’re hungrier than usual

The body needs a night’s sleep to recharge its batteries. If you miss it, the body tries to get energy from food instead, leading to increased production of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin. It can boost your sweet tooth!

4. You notice that you gain weight more easily

If you don’t sleep enough for a long time, your body doesn’t get a chance to recover. This in turn can lead to disturbances in the satiety hormone leptin. They, therefore, feel hungrier, which increases the risk of overheating. The metabolism can also be disturbed and influence weight.

5. You are often sick

Poor sleep over a long period weakens the immune system and makes us more susceptible to infections. In the long term, studies show it can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and cause depression.

Forgetting things too often is part of your everyday life, but that doesn’t make things any better. It can also have boring consequences in the long run.