
Quick Tips for Cleaning Your Window Treatments for the Holidays

Snow is on the ground, foot traffic is in the malls, and that crisp feeling is in the air; it must be holiday season. The holidays are a time for family, friends, and good food, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the beauty of this storied season. That is, unless you’re the one hosting everything. If that’s the case, then you’ve got a lot of work to do! Pretty soon all of that peace and love is going to be shattered by your guests fighting for every inch of the free space in your home, so you’ve got to make sure the place is looking its best! These quick tips for cleaning your window treatments in time for the holidays will make sure all of your stress is gone (at least in terms of window-related stress. Good luck with the rest!).

Be prepared for a dust battle

Your blinds, shades, or other window coverings are going to attract dust like free money attracts crowds of people. There’s nothing you can do about it. Unless, of course, you know how to stop dust from happening altogether (if you do, why aren’t you rich yet?). You can never go wrong with a feather duster. Make sure to have one handy at all times and gently swipe along each slat, around the window edge, and up top, too. If you have materials like wood, faux wood, or vinyl, you can settle for a damp cloth, inside-out sock, or a wet dish rag. It all works the same.

Pro tip: you don’t need expensive cleaners. Just fill a bowl with warm water, add in some detergent, and voila (here are more great ideas for a solution). A quick scrubbing will reveal tons of dirt and grime that you wish you had never seen. And don’t forget to flip the slats over and clean both sides!

“Is there a draft in here?”

If there is, there shouldn’t be. Draft windows are a drain on your heating bills and really annoying to guests. Hanging out and building a snowman during Christmas is a lot of fun, but not when you can do it in your living room. The best plan of action is to install your own weather stripping, it isn’t that hard. You can also consider upgrading to energy efficient windows in general and not just for the holidays. If you’re in a pinch and on a budget, there’s always rope caulk (a malleable substance that will patch up leaks quickly).

Oh yeah, don’t forget the doors either! 35% of a home’s energy is lost through portals like windows and doors.

Blow the doors off em’!

Sometimes a damp cloth just isn’t enough, and you’ve got to start using the power of turbocharged engines to blow hot air at things! If you want to do a quick cleaning, then getting rid of dust is as easy as using your vacuum cleaner. Use the attachment on a low setting to blow the dust away. They’ll look fine and nobody will know the difference. Need a quick fix? A hair dryer works just as well!

Things to avoid when cleaning your window treatments!

There are a few things that you absolutely need to avoid when cleaning your windows and blinds before the holidays. Let’s call them the absolutely do not’s. Please avoid:

  • Giving them a bath- unless you have vertical vinyl blinds, do not give your window treatments a bath. Sure, it seems like a quick, fix-all solution. A life hack, if you will. The reality isn’t as peachy, though. Doing this will destroy the mechanics in your head rail.
  • Don’t use extra-strength detergents- self explanatory here. Heavy detergents will leave stains or strip away the material.
  • Be gentle- if you clean with a heavy hand, you might ruin the blinds too.

Stressing out about the holidays? Wondering if you’ll ever get your place looking good enough to have all of your favourite guests over? Don’t worry. Cleaning your window treatments will be easy with our list of tips. Once you’re done doing these things, your head will feel a lot less heavy!