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Keep Your Home Secure this Winter

It’s very important to make sure your home is as safe as possible, especially throughout the winter months. Winter is the most common season for burglaries, with research showing that burglaries increase in January; which is no surprise, as our homes will no doubt will be filled with new gifts and gadgets after Christmas!

Homeowners should be even more vigilant than usual, making sure they do everything they can to ensure their home is secure. There many different steps you can take to secure your home, meaning that you can relax in peace.

Recent research has shown that 73% of burglaries occur due to a poorly secured front door. It’s so important to make sure your front door is up to scratch; it could be the difference between a safe and secure Christmas or someone trying to gain access to your home. Replacing your front door for something of incredible quality can make a huge difference!

Composite doors

So what should you choose? There are a number of options, but one of the most secure types of front door is the composite door. Made with a glass-reinforced polyester (GRP) skin and a wooden frame, the door is filled with a high density polyurethane foam. This results in a product made from durable and advanced materials.

The high density foam is incredibly strong, and also acts as a great insulator, while the GRP skin can withstand water and other weather conditions without compromising on quality. The grouping of these materials means that your front door is energy efficient, weather-resistant and hard-wearing.

Choosing a composite door provides your home with a high level of security. Multi point locking comes as standard, and the door itself is tough enough to last 35 years. Thanks to the GRP skin, your front door will be able to withstand a high level of force compared to other front doors!

Changing your windows

Of course, other entries to your home could be made through the windows, so it’s important to make sure they are secure too. Choosing the right windows can provide extra security. For example, PVC-u windows are designed with strength and rigidity, allowing for high performance and quality locking mechanisms.

Creating a solid window system for your house, it’s important that your windows are up to scratch too. Not only will they be able to protect your home, but with such a wide choice of aesthetics, you might be surprised at the overall finish.

House hacks

There are other little tricks that may help to protect your home that little bit more. The obvious one is to keep all valuables away from the windows, so that any potential burglar doesn’t find something they’d love to pinch! This includes car keys or anything else that would be of value.

It may also be worth leaving lights on in your home even if you are going out. Many people have lights on a timer so as to create the illusion of someone being in. This could be a huge help in reducing the threat of burglars!

With so many things you can do to protect your home, make sure you do everything you can to have a safe winter.