
How to prepare your skin for the change of season

Seasonal changes usually have a direct impact on the skin. In general, it is altered, all the pathologies from which we suffer are accentuated, and from time to time it can show reactions that gradually subside until it adapts to the new climate and humidity. That is why it is important to strengthen and prepare them so that these changes are hardly noticeable and we can show healthy and beautiful skin regardless of the weather outside.


Visit a dermatologist

This should always be the starting point when our skin is asking for attention or simply when we want to know exactly what condition it is in. Once a month would be ideal, although I’m aware that it’s a Social Security query that’s not easily accessible. I do it through health insurance with no co-payment and the truth is that it compensates me considering that I have to visit him often because of atopic dermatitis I suffer from.

Get a professional facial

The skin accumulates toxins and dirt that lodge very deeply in the skin. This makes its texture and tone more irregular, the products we use at home less effective, and it generally looks duller.

Professional facial cleansing is a very good investment to reveal healthy, balanced and beautiful skin. I like that oxygen is included in the protocol because it cleanses, hydrates and tones the skin in one step.

Customise your facial routine


If you are one of those who usually change creams “until they run out”, even noticing that your skin is producing more sebum than it normally should, or on the contrary, “drink it in a second” and want more, you are making a serious mistake. Like the rest of the body, the skin needs to get what it needs at all times. In general, fresh textures with creams with aloe vera, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid in hot weather, richer textures with shea butter, and oils such as olives, argan or jojoba in summer.