How to Make your House More Airy

There’s nothing more beautiful than stepping into a room or house that just feels spacious, bright and airy. Sadly, not all of us have the option of living in a palatial mansion where this feeling comes as standard. However, there are some things you can do within your own home, large or small, that will make it feel more airy and light.

The Importance of Natural Light

One of the key factors for creating an airy feel in your home, is making use of as much natural light as possible. You don’t necessarily need south-facing floor to ceiling windows to do this, even the smallest window can have an impact. By emphasising even the tiniest glimmer of natural light can make a noticeable difference to the feel of your home.

A good place to start, is by assessing your windows. Are they being obstructed by large furniture or over-bearing curtains? If this is the case, try rearranging the furniture in the room, so that larger items, don’t impede on the natural light getting into the room by partially covering the throw of light from a window. Also, you might want to consider revising curtain styles, so they are less restrictive on the light. Remove heavy pelmets and replace with a modern pole; you don’t even need to change the curtains either, although you might need to amend the runners.

Another great way to maximise natural light in a home is to cleverly position mirrors. Placing mirrors opposite windows, or in a place where they will pick up the light, is a wonderful way to open up a room. By reflecting light throughout the room, mirrors add extra light, and also give the illusion of more space too by creating additional dimensions. Also, by using mirrored accessories, like mosaic candle holders or picture frames will also help reflect more light too.

Skylights are another fabulous way to add light and airiness into a home. Whether you transform a flat roof into a wonderful atrium style with skylights or convert an attic space into a natural light haven, they are a great investment to add additional function, light and value to a home.


Another way to give your home a more airy feel is to review the amount of clutter and furniture you have in each rooms, particularly smaller rooms. Using bulky and darker coloured furniture in a small room will only serve to make it feel smaller. If you’re working with small spaces, just think about the most appropriate styles of furniture that will maintain functionality, but won’t take up all of the floor and wall space, as well as only filling the room with necessary items. Keeping a minimalistic style will help it to feel more spacious and airy overall.

The same rules apply with larger spaces too, just make sure you take the time to think about the area you have, and factor in the essential furniture, the right size and the layout. Of course, that isn’t to say it has to lack personality, far from it, you can cleverly accessorise any room with light fabrics, wall colours, pictures and lamps that will make it feel homely, but won’t make it feel cluttered and oppressive.

Find the balance between your style and functionality to create the right ambience in your home, with some careful rearrangement and by utilising the natural light in your home, you can be sure to create an airy and bright vibe throughout.

For more information on how skylights could transform your home, making it perfectly light and airy all year round, why not get in touch with Belle Skylights or visit their showrooms to see what installing skylights can do for your home.