
How to Enjoy More Privacy in Your Backyard

If you have a backyard with ample space, you’ll be inclined to take advantage of it, hosting parties, spending time with family, and just relaxing outside when you can. But if the yard is adjacent to a neighbor, you might feel inhibited or reserved.

You don’t want them peeking out the window to see what you’re doing, nor do you want to feel exposed every time you step outside.

Thankfully, there are several strategies you can use to gain more privacy in your backyard – and make the most of your outdoor space.

Always Check Local Restrictions

Before you get started, always take a moment to check local restrictions. There may be local laws in place that forbid some of the installations that you have at your property, or your HOA may disallow you from installing a fence. Make sure you have the proper permits if you’re going to begin a construction project and double check that you’re not going to face any issues down the road if you proceed with your initial plan.

Use Custom Vinyl Fencing

One option is to use custom vinyl fencing to surround your backyard and prevent your neighbors from peeking in. Short fences are great for providing a bit of privacy while still allowing you to stand up and peer over the edge, but if you want a total privacy solution, you should invest in a taller fence.

Fences are extremely flexible, allowing you to section off whatever area of property you want. They also come in a wide range of different materials and colors, and if you find you don’t like the fence after a given period of time, you can always restructure it or repaint it to give it a different look.

Fences also happen to be inexpensive and relatively easy to install as a privacy solution.

Use Trees and Tall Shrubs

You could also try to make use of trees and tall shrubs to line your property and serve as a kind of natural fence. Many people find trees and shrubs to be visually preferable to a wooden fence or similar man-made structure. The problem is, most plants require significant ongoing maintenance to make sure they remain healthy and visually pleasing; they also take a long time to grow if you’re planting them young.

Add Lattice and Climbing Plants

Similarly, you could create a kind of “living wall” with the help of lattice and climbing plants. With the right vines on your lattice, you’ll be able to create full walls of greenery and flowers to keep your backyard obscured while also beautifying the space.

Construct a Shed

You can also get some measure of privacy with different constructions on your property. A sufficiently sized barn or shed can provide a significant barrier to outsiders who try to look in. Cost is usually the issue here – but if you shop around, you can usually find a great deal.

Install a Fountain

Think about installing a fountain in your backyard, or some other source of running water. Not only will it have the potential to beautify your space and attract more wildlife (like birds), the sound of running water also tends to mask other sounds. It’s not going to make your backyard conversations totally inaudible, but you should be able to cover up at least some of your words.

Layer Your Strategies

There’s no rule that states you can only follow one backyard privacy strategy. In fact, you’ll get more privacy and more satisfaction out of your space if you combine different strategies in different ways. For example, you can have a fence covering part of your backyard, while also utilizing tall shrubs, a shed, and a fountain to provide supplementary privacy.

Talk to Your Neighbours

If you have neighbours who aren’t good at minding their own business, or if they frequently try to find excuses to make their way into your backyard, a handful of plants will probably not stop them. Make sure you have a direct conversation with any neighbors who are violating your privacy directly or crossing your personal boundaries.

Consider Moving

If none of these strategies seems to give your outdoor space that cozy, private feel that you were after, or if you’re still facing privacy issues, it might be an inherent issue with your property and your neighborhood. For example, if your yard is too small, if your yard is too close to the neighbors that surround you, or if restrictions are limiting your privacy options, you might be stuck with a property that doesn’t afford you much privacy. If privacy is important to you, moving might be the best option.

That said, most people can find satisfaction with some combination of the privacy strategies listed above. In a matter of weeks, you can transform your backyard from an open, vulnerable space to one that’s closed in and much more comfortable.