Home Decor

Home Decorating with Wallpaper

If you’re looking to add a bit more color and personality to a room and think that simply repainting the walls just won’t cut it, you might find what you’re looking for in wallpapers. Not the vintage kind of designs that you might have grown accustomed to growing up, but in a variety of different styles aesthetics that may just suit your preference and your budget.

But if you aren’t exactly sure how you could use wallpaper to decorate your walls, check out these awesome tips to help you out:

Use wallpaper on just one wall.

The trend of papering all the walls in every room seems to be a bit old-fashioned. Rather than covering all walls from floor to ceiling in boring wallpaper, opt to create an accent wall instead. Granted, you’d need to select a design that won’t be too overpowering (tip: go for softer-colored ones that are based on nature), but when done right, you’ll be able to have your very own art panel right in your own living space. It would arguably be so much more interesting that hanging random art frames on your walls.






Break up the wall monotony.

Taking a leaf out of the previous tip, there is absolutely no need to apply wallpaper from floor to ceiling on all your walls in, say, your living room. One great way of decorating with wallpaper is to only cover half the wall, which would not only break up the wall monotony, but would also be a pretty interesting way to decorate the room itself. You can also paper the wall right on top of the kitchen counter and underneath the cupboards to provide a splash of color to your cooking area.






Go for small details.

The design of your wallpaper should be in accordance with the size of your room and what you’re actually trying to accomplish. If you have a small room and want to give the illusion of a bigger space, avoid loud and busy wallpaper designs – these are great for large rooms with high ceilings – as they tend to dominate everything else leaving your room look a lot smaller than it really is. Instead, go for wallpaper with smaller details in the design to help brighten up the small room.






Not all surfaces need to be covered by wallpaper, but it is definitely one way of letting your personality shine through in your home. Check out more wallpaper options at Graham & Brown and enjoy a 15% discount by using the coupon code: stylem15 when you order.