
Healthy Couples Practice These Eight Habits

Statistics show that over 66% of long-term relationships end because the couples do not discuss their plans for the future. Why is this important? What things can couples do each day in order to maintain a healthy relationship? No relationship is perfect but adopting healthy habits can help move you closer to a healthy relationship long-term. Keep reading to learn more about these habits and why you should adopt them.

They Communicate

People that communicate have a much harder time misunderstanding each other. If both parties in the relationship are clear about their intentions and their expectations, things will go much smoother than if they think the other person can read their mind. This is a daily practice that can become a habit for couples. Finding a time of day that works best for both of you to communicate how you are feeling, what you have going on, and what you need from each other can eliminate the guesswork.

They Do Things Separately

Whether they have separate hobbies or separate friends, healthy relationships don’t require the couple to spend every waking second together. Being able to go out in social environments without each other or participate in the hobbies that they are passionate about is important because it helps to meet the needs of each person individually.

They Share Responsibilities

Whether it is chores around the living space or taking the kids to soccer practice, healthy relationships have people that are sharing these responsibilities. One person isn’t taking 90% of the workload every day. They strategize the best way to get everything done and work together to achieve that goal. If all of the childcare responsibilities are left to one person or all of the financial responsibilities are left to one person, it will be harder to be on the same page about those things.

They Do Things for Each Other

When one person has had an exhausting week of work, the other one may be super quiet on a Saturday morning and allow them to sleep in longer. This is one simple example of couples doing things for each other. Whether you may each other breakfast or pick them up a coffee when you go into town, the little things add up over time. These acts of service show that each person is thinking of the other one and their needs throughout the day.

They Practice Respect

Whether you have an agreement to not scream when you fight or to give the other person space when they ask for it, practicing respect is a daily habit of healthy couples. Knowing that no matter how they feel in a heated moment that they still respect each other is important when things aren’t always going smoothly.

They Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is a big deal in relationships for a few reasons. If certain behavior or outside influence is not wanted, there needs to be a boundary set. One person will struggle if they are not aware of the other person’s boundaries. Outlining these early on in the relationship can allow each person to know where the other stands on certain situations and approach those situations differently with that knowledge.

They Get Help When Needed

It is completely normal for couples to have struggles in their relationship. This could derive from personal situations or from things within the relationship. Healthy couples can discuss this and recognize that at times, outside help is needed. The concept of relationship OCD is common, along with many other doubts that you may have at certain points in your growing relationship. Some issues are more prevalent during the dating stage and become less when you move to a long-term commitment, while others may develop when this commitment starts.

A Work in Progress

Building and maintaining a healthy relationship can be a constant work in progress, and it’s normal to have ups and downs along the way. No two days will be the same, but these habits can help guide you in the right direction to navigate certain parts of your daily life. Adopting one or two of these at a time and making them a priority over the coming weeks can help you ease into these new habits as a part of your relationship, leading to a healthier and happier bond between you and your partner.