Has Instagram Changed The Way We Take Photos?

Instagram is a huge hit all over the world for people who love to take photos. Whether you want to share your artistic side or you simply want to show everyone what you had for breakfast, the social networking platform is a unique one that allows people to interact in a new, fun way.

The introduction of social networking sites has caused numerous opportunities for businesses and in people’s personal lives, and social networking sites have moved forward with the times by offering users ways to post things according to what they are talking about, such as creating a private life event or a personal business announcement. This has allowed us to share and look at photos on a new and unique level, and has allowed us all to discover our own passions for photography in a pursuit to find the best picture to share.

Since the introduction of smartphones and tablets that all have cameras, there are now many different ways to take photos that give everyone the feeling that they are a great photographer – even if all they do is capture images of what they had for lunch earlier that day. Sites such as Instagram provide us with the opportunity to tweak our photos to perfection by adding different ways to edit them.

The Story Behind Instagram

The history of Instagram is a well-known story that began in 2010 as an iPhone-only app that could be used for checking in to locations, earning points when you socialised with friends and allow you to post photos. Within the first month of its launch, Instagram had attracted one million registered users and this is an astounding achievement when you consider the fact that Twitter took two years to gain the same volume. In 2012, Facebook bought Instagram for a whopping one billion dollars, which was split between stock and cash, and it has been an independent source ever since. Its co-founder, Kevin Systrom, claims it has changed the way people see the world.

Communicating with Photos

There are so many ways to communicate with friends, from using instant messaging services through to private messages and posting on people’s Facebook walls. But using photos to communicate is unique and unusual, which is the main reason Instagram became the success story it is. Photos are thought of as a fun way to share experiences and you can choose to use innovative 3D formats for sharing photos as well such as on lamps, mugs, t-shirts, phone cases and pillows. There are numerous companies out there that specialise in different printing options which can be used as a way to keep a special photo or as an opportunity to explore your creative side.

Social networking sites have created a revolution in many different aspects of people’s lives from what they do at work through to how they spend their spare time. It even goes as far that it affects the way we take our photos, as we are always thinking about how good a photo will be as our next profile picture and what effects we can add to it to create a more artistic look. Has it changed society? As this article discusses, it certainly has a huge influence.