Home Decor

Getting The Most Out Of Your Small Apartment

Having a tiny living space presents a number of problems for the occupier to overcome. But with some handy space-saving furniture like sofa beds, and some innovative features that can make the home seem bigger, even the most compact of apartments can suddenly seem like a castle!

Light and colour

One of the hardest things to master is how to make the most of whatever light there is available in the small home. This is why compact spaces always benefit most from using a colour palette that takes in soft and neutral colours that stop the room from feeling too claustrophobic and dingy – and we all know about how using a mirror can make a tiny space seem so much bigger.

Similarly, it can also be a good idea to try and minimise any unnecessary luxurious touches, so try and avoid getting that bulky overstuffed sofa and instead embrace the minimalist trend for true space-saving efficiency!

Dual function

Whilst there are plenty of space-saving illusions we can employ, there are certain obstacles that require a little more ingenuity if we’re to keep from tripping over ourselves. And it’s large items of furniture like wardrobes and beds that are always the toughest to implement in the small home.

This is why sofa beds are so popular in many compact apartments as their dual function means that they are great for entertaining and sleeping, and for those who found it cheap here at Bedstar, it’s a good example of how this multi-functional furniture can save money as well as free up some more floor space.

Extra storage

Sofa beds are useful as they make the most out of a small space, and such a theory can easily apply to other items of furniture. So be sure that any coffee table, footstool or even shoe-storage bench

includes a little extra space for gathering your personal items.

The biggest trick that anybody in a small home can use to overcome spatial issues is to simply go vertical. Don’t be afraid of using a little DIY know-how to install some shelves for your books and ornaments, and there’s no reason why you can’t go all the way up to the ceiling in your bid to maximise your living space!

And with a host of other space-saving pieces of furniture like ottoman beds, extendable tables and foldaway media units all making the small home all the more functional, there’s no reason why your compact living space can’t be the height of luxury!