
Getting A New Roof In Texas: Protect Your Home And Increase Its Value

It is very easy to take a roof for granted. Unlike other areas of a home, the attic is often neglected, and unused. However, having a strong roof in place is essential to the rest of the house being able to exist.

And a solid roof is also critical to the value of a home. When houses are sold they will undergo certain inspections. The buyer will pay for an inspection to determine if there are any structural concerns at all.

A roof showing signs of rot for instance would be flagged up on a buyer’s inspection. Discovering you need a new roof at this point will be less than ideal.

Protecting your home with a new roof

If your roof is old it may be due for a replacement. The Texas climate can take a toll on roofing. Some parts of Texas experience tough weather conditions. The Texas sun certainly has an impact on roofs.

The best way to discover if your roof warrants a replacement is to have it looked at. A Texan firm such as Arrowhead Roofing will be able to carry out an inspection and make an assessment. Any professional roofing firm will be able to advise on whether your roof needs repairing or replacing.

Unfortunately, sometimes roofs do need replacing. But, this is necessary as your home must be protected from the elements. Roofs allow homes to have heating and electricity. By installing a sound roof, your home, and the occupants will be kept warm and safe.

How does the climate in Texas affect roofing?

As you probably know, Texas is the second biggest state. The large land mass means that the climate and weather differ from some parts to others. Texans enjoy long periods of clear skies in the summer. Although generally dry, short rainy periods do occur. And in Winter, some areas experience temperatures well below freezing.

Texas also sees its share of extreme weather conditions. Tornadoes and hurricanes do occur sometimes, mainly in the coastal area. But, perhaps the heat is of most concern to homeowners.

Just recently, Texas experienced extreme temperatures that were close to record levels. This heat is not only deadly, but it damages roofing. The UV rays from the sun will damage roofing materials over time. Asphalt shingles baking in the sun will start to curl.

When shingles curl upward, they allow moisture to enter the attic. Damaged shingles are likely to be ripped out by high winds.

Hail storms are now more common in Texas. And large hailstones are capable of cracking roof tiles. Last year, a hailstone weighing over 400 grams was found in Salado, Texas after one significant hailstorm. Hailstones of this size cause serious damage to vehicles and property.

The advantages of installing a new roof in Texas

Installing a new roof on your Texas home offers the opportunity to update and increase protection. Newer roof designs are in place now, and more durable roofing materials are available.

A new roof might save you money, and keep your home cooler. Plus, you have the chance to change the aesthetics of your home with a replacement roof.

Here are five benefits of replacing your roof.

1. Increased curb appeal

While you might not spend much time thinking about your roof, it is a very visible part of the home. Enhancing curb appeal is beneficial for sellers, but also just for improving aesthetics.

A sagging roof brings the value of a home down. And creates an eyesore. A roof replacement gives the chance to choose a different color and material. You don’t need to go as far as creating an elegant roof terrace. But, you do have the opportunity to improve the look of your home.

2. Chance to change to more efficient materials

Many roofing materials are more efficient than asphalt shingles. Metal is more durable and lasts decades longer. But, some roofing materials are simply more efficient for the Texas climate.

Heating and cooling makes up over half of most homes’ energy bills. About 55% of the average electricity bill is caused by cooling and heating. Energy-efficient roofing materials can help lower utility bills.

Materials that are good at solar transference for instance will help you to reduce the time your AC is on. You will not only pay less on utility bills but save money on AC repairs due to less usage.

Roofing materials that reflect sunlight are most useful for creating a cool roof. Lighter-colored asphalt tiles will work. But, there is the problem with sun damage. Clay, slate, and metal are also very good at keeping roofs cooler.

3. Make your home more eco-friendly

You will make your home greener by reducing your energy needs. But, a new roof also lets you choose more sustainable roofing materials.

Reclaimed materials are an excellent roofing choice. And with their ability to keep a home cool, slate and clay make perfect choices. Metal is extremely long-lasting, and is recyclable. Therefore, metal roofs are an eco-friendly option also.

4. Ensure safety and security

Roofs get weaker as they get older. Installing a new roof increases your home’s protection. Thus, your family will be safer too. And a new roof will stop pests and improve security in the home.

5. Improve your family’s health

You might not connect your roof to your family’s health. But, a roof in disrepair can lead to health problems. When moisture enters the roof it can result in mildew and mold. Mold spreads and causes allergic reactions and other health problems. A new roof installation eliminates any current and ongoing issues such as these.

Will a new roof boost your property’s value?

Most homeowners are interested in ways to boost their property’s value. Installing a new roof means starting the clock on a new warranty again. A new roof under warranty will be appealing to most home buyers.

And the investment in a new roof will lead to a significant ROI. Depending on what materials you use, a new roof will return a substantial part of the costs. Remodeling’s cost vs value chart shows a $29,136 new roof would return about $17,807 of the investment.

There are other factors to consider too. The enhanced curb appeal and improved aesthetics will help to attract potential buyers also. A new roof installation is a key selling point. It helps to give buyers some peace of mind.

Key considerations when carrying out a Texas roofing project

The main consideration is the roofing contractor you use. Ideally, when installing a new roof in Texas you will choose a local firm.

There are several benefits when choosing a local roofing company. They will understand the local climate, and which roofing materials to use. Local roofers also know about building codes and other regulations. And, a local roofer will be more readily available for maintenance work and repairs.


The Texas climate isn’t always kind to roofs. In some areas, tornadoes are an occasional menace. In others, it is the searing heat that affects roofs.

Fortunately, a new roof brings with it extra protection and other benefits. A roof replacement might see an increase in your home’s value. It will certainly improve the curb appeal.

But, one thing a new roof will definitely bring, is peace of mind. A strong roof brings protection to the home and helps to maintain a healthy environment.