
Does CoolSculpting Actually Work?

CoolSculpting is a cosmetic procedure for the removal of excess body fat. Here, a doctor or therapist will freeze the fatty cells from your targeted body part. These frozen cells will then be removed from your body through the natural process. The body parts that are targeted are usually the ones with stubborn fat. In other words, it is applied when everything else has failed. However, CoolSculpting will be most effective when you combine this with exercise and dieting.

This is a non-surgical fat removal method. There is no cut, surgery, or anesthesia. So the risks are less compared to traditional liposuction. It is a safe process and has been approved by the FDA. There can, however, be a few small side effects, which go away in a few days.

It has now become one of the most popular cosmetic methods of removing excess body fat the world over. Both celebrities and common people are getting it done with good results. So there is finally hope for everyone struggling with obesity. CoolSculpting might be the answer if you have tried dieting, working out, leading a healthy lifestyle, but have still failed to get into shape.

This method can be carried out in many parts of your body like your abdomen, thighs, sides, and lower back. It can also treat cellulite on your arms, buttocks, and legs. It has also provided good results for below the chin to remove the appearance of double, and even triple chin.

What Happens in CoolSculpting

The practitioner will use a device with paddles that will vacuum your skin above the fatty tissue. It will produce cold temperature that will numb the region and eventually kill the fatty cells. So, you might feel a cool sensation on the skin. Don’t worry because cells in the human body are always dying and being replaced by new, fresh cells. The cold passed into your body won’t damage any other cell or tissue.

How Long Does Coolsculpting Last?

The procedure in all likelihood will take about an hour. No recovery time is required as there is no anesthesia or surgery involved. You may lose fat in the targeted area by about 20 percent. CoolScuplting is a branded treatment of the California-based Zeltiq Aesthetics. The company promises a fat loss of 25 percent. However, one session may not be enough. Ideally, you should have at least two sessions. Ba patient. It may take four weeks before you see the full advantage of this procedure.

Your practitioner will probably schedule a follow-up session on the first session day itself.

Some people have reported soreness at the place of treatment, which seems like a small muscle injury. Others have reported redness, minor swelling, muscle cramping, and diarrhea, which usually happens after the process is over, while the body is removing the fatty cells.

You can reduce the risk of a side effect by getting it done from an experienced professional. You can contact this clinic at 249 Queens Quay West #113, Toronto or you can call phone +1 647-493-3131. The clinic also offers CoolSculpting at Newmarket, Maple, and Thornhill.

How Much Does 1 Session of CoolSculpting Cost?

The per session treatment cost is likely to be between two thousand and four thousand dollars. But it differs from clinic to clinic. The cost also depends on the expertise and experience of the provider. More importantly, it depends on the size of the treatment area. It is likely to be less if your treatment area is small. On the other hand, it will be high if you want to treat several areas.

How Many Times Do You Have to Do CoolSculpting?

You will notice an improvement in some weeks post the treatment. You may see a reduction of up to 20 percent, perhaps more. Most patients will, however, be told to do CoolSculpting two to three times for each target part of your body. How many sessions you will need depends on various factors, such as how much excess fat you have, size of the area, and also how stubborn the fat is. Your second session is likely to be scheduled after 60 days at least.

Does CoolSculpting Actually Work?

The success rate is very high. It also has fewer side effects compared to other procedures, like liposuction. There is no surgery or recovery time, which is also great news. But remember, this is not a miracle process. You should not expect that your entire fat deposit will go away. Good food habits and a healthy lifestyle also plays an important role. Your fat reduction will be less if you continue eating unhealthy foods and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

A study carried out in 2009 discovered that this method can reduce the fat layers by 25 percent. What’s more impressive is that, the researchers found those who lost fat were able to stay off it even six months after their session. Their frozen and dead fatty cells were eliminated through their liver in just a few weeks. Most of the subjects were able to obtain the full benefit three months after their treatment.

A lot more research work has been done to find out whether it works. For example, researchers in 2015 found that those who got CoolSculpting done lost between 14.67 and 28.5 percent of fat in their treated areas. The researchers also found that there were no severe health risks involved. The lipid levels and liver function remained the same. The findings of this study were published in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. However, the researchers noted that overall health won’t improve if lifestyle changes were not done.

A 2015 review looked at sixteen studies and concluded that this method reduced fat by 19.55 percent on average. This report was published by the Aesthetic Surgery Journal. In another study carried out in 2014, the researchers observed that massaging the treated area after the session actually improves the fat loss.

Is Cool Slimming the Same as CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting and CryoSlimming or cool slimming use the same method of fat reduction. They are both non-invasive, don’t require anesthesia, and have no downtime. However, there is one critical difference. In CryoSlimming, the practitioner will use a device that has a wand. So, there can be some pinching, which is painful for some people.

CoolSculpting, on the other hand, is a completely painless procedure. It is absolutely risk free and extremely convenient.