Food & Drinks

Delicious Homemade Coffee Creamer Recipes (Part 2)

Want to sweeten up your morning cup of coffee? These homemade coffee creamer recipes are just what you need! Making creamers at home can be easy, and healthier too! Here’s a guide on how to make your own coffee creamer. Homemade coffee creamer is easy to make and you can flavor the creamer however you wish! Here are four different flavor recipes to get you started. Add one (or a few!) to your Sunday meal-prep routine for better brews all week. Enjoy!

Hazelnut Coffee Creamer

Marshmallow Creamer

Mint Chocolate Creamer

Peanut Butter Cup Creamer

Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer

Salted Caramel Creamer

Snickers Coffee Creamer

Caramel Macchiato Creamer

Vanilla Bean Coffee Creamer

Vanilla Cardamom Coffee Creamer

Cinnamon Vanilla Creamer