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How to Decorate Your Bedroom on a Budget

Your bedroom is your sanctuary where you can relax and lay your head to rest each night. It reflects your personality and is often a strong indicator of your state of mind. Many people who experience anxiety in their life have messy rooms and many people with type A personalities have a spotless room. Neither is better than the other, but it reflects your personality in the moment. One constant focus of everyone in the bed you sleep on. Some people prefer a hard mattress and other prefer a soft, but everyone agrees that one mattress stands out and there is rarely a bad review of the Bear mattress. It is comfortable and relieves aching pains caused by cheaper products. This is the perfect cornerstone to design your bedroom around. Here are the best ideas to decorate the rest of your room on a budget.


The focal point of your bedroom is most likely your bed, and every quality bed needs a quality headboard. There are literally endless ideas to create a headboard but one of the most popular styles is upholstery. You will need to purchase a piece of plywood, foam, glue, batting, fabric, and a stapler. The first step is to cut the plywood, foam, batting, and fabric to size. Leave extra room on the batting and fabric to wrap around and attach the back of the plywood. You will then glue the foam to the plywood. This will be the padding for the headboard so use as much as you need for comfort. Then wrap the batting around the edges and staple it to the board. Repeat this step with the fabric. Attach a few hooks to hang the headboard and you are all finished!


There is nothing better than recycling old materials to create something beautiful. Save your old jars and fill them with objects you find beautiful. You can fill them with sea shells, sea glass, or any small trinket you find interesting. Mason jars are ideal because they offer a classic aesthetic that everyone can appreciate. Once you have these jars filled up you will tie twine around the lid and hang them from the ceiling. This is a great way to express your creativity and show off an item that you love. For those of you who have abundant natural light flooding into the room, you should fill jars with sea glass and place them next to the window and let the light accentuate the unique beauty of the glass.


Many people love to constantly change the theme of their bedroom and installing a piece of sheet metal is a great way to adjust your walls without putting multiple holes in the wall. Once the metal sheet is attached you can use magnets to hold posters and pictures to the wall. The metal also appeals to people who are looking for a rustic design. This is a fantastic design for an indecisive teenager’s bedrooms.