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Create the Perfect Bedroom for Every Season

For every season there is a bedroom, though why not create one that’s perfect for all four?

Keeping up with the latest trends from Spring to winter can be exhausting and let’s face it… expensive. Good news! With these simple tips you’ll have cool, cosy and chic wrapped up in one fabulous bedroom.

Let’s talk colours

Save getting adventurous for your winter coats and summer jumpers, for a truly seasonal bedroom it’s best to keep things neutral. For your walls, white or crème look good whatever the weather and remember you can always add splashes of colour with throws and cushions to brighten things up. If there is a colour you totally love and know you can’t get enough of (like waking up to it every single day) then by all means…crack open the paint. Though it is worth taking some time and making sure you are going for a colour scheme that you’ll not get bored of. Need some inspiration? Think of rooms and places that make you feel relaxed and try to take note of the colours. When it comes to your bedroom, relaxing is a good look for every season!

Season proof bedtime

Hmm, how to create a bed that is perfect for all seasons?  Too cosy to leave in the winter and lemonade cool in the summer. Well, friends… it’s all about your bedding choices. While many people change their duvet and bed sheets like the weather, with bamboo bedding you won’t have too! The natural fabric is becoming the super star of bedtime for its thermo-regulating properties. In other words… for four seasons of good sleep, there is one tog-notch duvet to buy. Breathable fluffiness to keep you wrapped up all year round. When it comes to styling out that duvet, again go for colours that are gentle and neutral. Soft cremes, gentle pinks and of course the all -time classic- pure, clean white. Voila, the perfect bedtime for every season…Sorted!

Blinds on curtains?

Now this one is tricky as there are pros and cons to both. Curtains can be more heat insulating in the winter while blinds look oh-so stylish. Blinds also tend to be more durable, being made from wood. Curtains lose a point for being harder to keep clean… though do come in lots of different textures and varieties. Good if you are going for a certain type of atmosphere! When it comes to being season friendly blinds could have that slight edge as they can filter in light depending on the time of year. Good for long, hot summers (if you should be so lucky) when you want to keep your bedroom nice and cool. Whichever you choose, go for simple colours that suit the rest of your décor, and remember quality shines in every season.

Geek is always chic

Which is why one timeless bedroom staple is a well stacked bookshelf! Fill it with all your favourites and get yourself set for plenty of bedtime reading. A book shelf is also a simple way to add a bit of style. An elegant touch to transform the look of your bedroom and make it feel cosy and welcoming after a long day. Forget never judging a book by its cover, when it comes to your bedroom feel free to play around with colours and shapes. With a few classics you are well on the way to nailing timeless chic. Just one more thing is missing!

Add a personal touch

This is your special room to relax in…so why not add a bit of you! Adding a few personal items is the perfect finishing touch for a seasonal bedroom. Love candles? Treat yourself to some sweet-smelling favourites and scatter them on your bedtime table (or that bookshelf) . Reading by candle light is wonderful every season. Display a few photographs of your happiest memories and loved ones. A good excuse to finally put them in some fancy frames! Go on…you will be nodding off and waking up with a smile.

Making your bedroom a place you love is easy-peasy with a little time and effort. So as the seasons continue to change, you have a cosy retreat that feel’s perfect all year round.